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The urgent need of the Zionist army for 15 new battalions 

Acknowledging the crisis of lack of military personnel, the Chief of Staff of the Zionist Army announced that the army needs 4,500 new troops to carry out its missions. 

report Mehr News Agency, Channel 12 of the Zionist regime announced that the Chief of Staff of the Army, Hertsi Halavi, informed the political leaders of Tel Aviv that the army is to carry out Its missions on multiple fronts require 15 new battalions consisting of 4,500 troops.

Halvi warned about the severe lack of manpower in the Zionist army and said that this lack of manpower is only in It was not the result of the war, but it was formed by the increased need for large numbers of troops for more missions of the army.

Halvi announced that the Zionist regime is currently trying to remove the 5 battalions that were previously The military service had dismissed him to rejoin his forces!

This senior Zionist military source added that the manpower crisis in the army is very expensive and the amount needed for summoning Army reserve forces have spent over 11 billion dollars since the beginning of the war.

Halvi’s statements are made while the Zionist parliament voted yesterday with the exemption of extremist Jews. Haridi) agreed to military service.

Haredi conscription exemption a day after the resignation of Benny Gans and Gadi Eisenkot, members of the War Cabinet Council, and their joining It has been done to the ranks of the opposition, even though they had previously rejected this law.

According to the internal laws of the Zionist regime, men and women aged 18 are required to serve in the army, but the Zionists The ultra-orthodox or Haredi religious Jews say that they are exempt from service.

Previously, Zionist religious parties had threatened to withdraw from the regime’s cabinet if military service was imposed on their followers. will leave, and if they leave, there is a possibility of the cabinet falling, for this reason, Netanyahu previously sought to exempt the Haredim from conscription in order to satisfy the religious coalition parties of the cabinet.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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