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Preventing the declaration of solidarity with the Palestinian people during the Hajj season is condemned

The Secretary General of the Palestine Foundation in Pakistan emphasized: "The devil today is America, Israel, Western governments and England, so Muslims from all over the world must gather in the land of revelation and stand together against the devils."

Mehr News Agency, International Group: In recent months, in response to the Zionist regime’s attacks on Gaza and support for Palestine, we have witnessed public and student protests in European and American countries.

On the other hand, currently more than 2 million pilgrims from different Islamic countries are present in the Hajj season. This year’s Hajj season is very important due to the events that have occurred in the world and the movements that have formed in support of the Palestinian people around the world. Therefore, this year’s Hajj can be considered a turning point for supporting the oppressed people of Gaza and condemning the crimes and genocide of the Zionist regime.

Urdu service Mehr News Agency in this In particular, he had a conversation with Dr. Saber Abu Maryam, Secretary General of the Palestine Foundation in Pakistan, which follows:

He went on to say: Hajj teaches us to stand up against the demons of the world, just as Abraham, peace be upon him, stood up when he received God’s command and intended to sacrifice. He had his child. On the way, Satan’s victim came and wanted to stop Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, but he stood in front of Satan, today we must stand in front of the biggest devils, which are America and Israel.

This Pakistani political and social activist went on to say: Satan today is America, Israel, Western governments and England, so if Muslims from all over the world gather in the land of revelation And stand against these devils with complete unity and one voice, if they raise their voice against the enemies of Islam and the enemies of Palestine, they would have helped the Palestinian people a great deal, but the government of Saudi Arabia has stopped the protest against Israel’s war crimes in the Holy Land. Muslims should know that the task of propagating Islam has fallen into the hands of the Americans and this is terrible for the Muslim world.

ممانعت از اعلام همبستگی با مردم فلسطین در موسم حج محکوم است

This prominent Pakistani analyst stated: One of the important teachings of Hajj is to support the oppressed, so the decision of the Saudi government to prevent the solidarity of pilgrims with the people of Gaza is strongly condemned. Is. This is while people in America, Europe, Africa and Latin America have come to the streets and support the Palestinian resistance, these events have awakened the world and if someone says in such an environment that the Palestinian issue is a political issue and should not be during Hajj It is treason to the Islamic Ummah.

Dr. Abu Maryam, in response to the resignation of the Israeli war cabinet ministers, said: The cabinet of the fake Zionist regime has failed against the resistance of the people of Gaza. The fake regime is in the worst situation and on the anniversary of the death of Imam Khomeini (RA), the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei also mentioned this issue. The Leader of the Revolution quoted one of the famous Zionist analysts as saying: “If there is a dispute between the Zionists, maybe 4 million Zionist settlers will flee from Palestine.” After the Al-Aqsa storm, the differences of the Zionist authorities have come to the fore, which will increase with the passage of time. I believe that the resignation of the ministers of the Israeli war cabinet is a clear declaration of the great defeat of the Zionist regime. Previously, Netanyahu had threatened to attack Lebanon’s Hezbollah, but at a critical stage, the resignation of the war cabinet ministers is a clear admission of Israel’s defeat.

In the end, he said: Israel is no longer able to continue the war with Hamas in Gaza or Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, and neither is the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei. They said that Israel is drowning. The conditions we see indicate the end of the Zionist regime.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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