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Atwan reviewed: the messages of Hezbollah’s drone attack on Haifa

Simultaneously with the field defeats of the Zionist army in Gaza and the escalation of tension between the leaders of this regime, the developments in occupied northern Palestine and the shocks of Hezbollah have greatly confused the Zionists.

report Mehr News Agency quoted by Rai Elyoum, the famous Palestinian analyst “Abd al-Bari Atwan” wrote in a note referring to the developments in the occupied northern part of Palestine: the sounding of the danger alarm in the occupied city of Haifa and the fleeing of the settlers Zionist towards the shelters due to the arrival of two Hezbollah drones from southern Lebanon to Haifa, it is considered a very important and dangerous development in the northern front of the occupied Palestine, which is the basis for an all-out conflict. Because the depths of occupied Palestine are no longer safe in the shadow of resistance rockets to the south and north, and the Zionists cannot bear the consequences.

Atwan added: The remarkable thing is that this situation is happening in the north of occupied Palestine at the same time as there are three major developments on this front:

– Hezbollah’s air defense managed to shoot down an advanced Zionist Hermes 900 drone that had penetrated into Lebanese airspace a few days ago.

– Tel Aviv’s military admitted on Tuesday that Hezbollah fired 50 rockets at Israeli military bases and the town of Kasermin in the occupied Golan, causing large fires.

– Hezbollah’s air defense unit disclosed that it has advanced missiles that can counter any Zionist fixed-wing fighter such as F-16 and F-15 and prevent them from entering into Lebanese airspace.

Abd al-Bari Atwan emphasized in the continuation of his note: These developments in the northern front of the occupied Palestine coincide with the increase in Yemeni attacks on American and Zionist ships in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and The Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. One of the main reasons that forced America to present a ceasefire plan in Gaza is these developments. Hezbollah’s drone attacks towards Haifa and the success of these drones in passing through the advanced defense systems of the Zionist army are a threatening message to the military commanders and political officials of this regime, that Haifa and other cities in occupied Palestine are all in the crosshairs of the resistance and any expansion of the war. And the attack on Lebanon and the continuation of the army’s crimes in the Gaza Strip will mean the complete destruction of the occupied Palestinian cities.

This Palestinian analyst stated: The Lebanese resistance has not yet used the heavy, accurate and accurate missiles, which according to the Zionists’ assessment reaches 200,000 missiles. Is. Perhaps Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, has not threatened to return Lebanon to the Stone Age! did not implement it, because of his awareness of Hezbollah’s strong response and its dangers for the failed and disintegrated Israeli regime.

The editor-in-chief of Rai Elium said about the approval of the Gaza cease-fire resolution in the Security Council, which the United States did not oppose in an unusual act: this resolution will not be implemented and will be in the archive. Other unimplemented UN resolutions remain; An organization that is full of dozens of similar resolutions, none of which were implemented. This has several reasons, the most important of which is due to the alertness of the Palestinian resistance.

This article continues: The Palestinian resistance will never be deceived by such resolutions; Even if he welcomed it. The resistance has no confidence in the American support for the negotiations, especially after the US President Joe Biden asked the Arab mediators to pressure the Palestinian resistance leaders (Hamas and Islamic Jihad) to surrender to the conditions of the Zionist regime. The more dangerous point is that Anthony Blinken, who boasts of his loyalty to the Zionists, blamed Hamas for the continuation of the war in the Gaza Strip and described this movement as the main obstacle to stopping the war; As if the leaders of Tel Aviv are completely innocent! This is the height of insolence.

Abd al-Bari Atwan, referring to the brutal massacre that the Zionist army launched a few days ago in the Nusirat camp in the center of the Gaza Strip, emphasized: after the crime of the Zionist army In the Nusirat camp, in a dramatic attempt to free 4 Israeli prisoners, during which 300 Palestinians were martyred and 700 people were injured, it can be said that the negotiations between Cairo and Doha under the supervision of the American government have failed and have completely lost their credibility. Especially after the evidence showed that America, the intelligence services and the floating dock of this country participated in the design and implementation of criminal operations against Nusirat.

At the end of his article, this Arabic-speaking analyst wrote: the arrival of Hezbollah drones in Haifa and dozens of rockets in the occupied Golan settlements, the Zionist soldiers falling like flies in the ambushes of the resistance in Gaza, the escalation of differences between the Zionist political and military and the collapse of the war cabinet of this regime, are all signs that confirm that the end of the occupying regime is near and the complete victory of the resistance will be realized soon. It is clear that the field commanders of the resistance in the Gaza Strip, who achieved the greatest historical achievement of Palestine, the Al-Aqsa storm, are also well aware of these facts.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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