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The disappearance of one of the sailors of the Greek ship after the attack of the Yemeni army

The United States announced that the Greek ship, which was bound for the occupied territories, was damaged after the attack of the Yemeni army and one of its sailors went missing.
– International News

The Central Headquarters of the US Army announced this Saturday that one of the sailors of the Greek ship “M/V Tutor” is still missing after the missile attack of the Yemeni army in the Red Sea.

According to Centcom, the crew of this Greek ship has abandoned it after being damaged and the water is slowly penetrating into it. US Centcom also claimed that in the last 24 hours, two Shahpads (floats) targeted the Yemeni army along with a drone in the Red Sea.

The Americans also claimed that they have destroyed seven radars in the interior of Yemen, which the Yemeni army used to attack ships bound for occupied Palestine. that the weapons of the Yemeni army are considered a threat to the forces and equipment of this country in the Red Sea.

The Yemeni army during the past months in support of the people and the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, ships Israel has targeted ships bound for occupied Palestinian ports in Makran, Indian, Red, etc. seas with its drone and missile attacks, and by doing so, the Israeli regime has put its sea blockade.

This week, in addition to its own operations, the Yemeni army has conducted several operations jointly with the Islamic resistance of Iraq against targets in occupied Palestine.

According to According to the statistics of the Yemeni army, the Yemenis have carried out 400 military operations in the depth of the occupied territories and against the important and sensitive military places of this regime. The Yemeni armed forces have also fired 91 missiles at their targets in the course of 38 operations in the past month, including the targeting of the American ship “Eisenhower” and the escape of the British destroyer “Diamond”.

England: a ship in the east of Aden was targeted by a missile got it Yemen to ships bound for Palestine
3 missile and drone operations in Yemen in the last 24 hours

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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