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The shocking situation of Gaza children who have turned into skeletons

Amidst the shameful silence of the international community in front of the occupying regime's anti-human crimes in the Gaza Strip, children in this area, who have literally become skin and bones, die one after another due to hunger.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, while the tragedy of death due to hunger, especially death Children in the Gaza Strip have become a painful and recurring tragedy, medical sources in the Gaza Strip announced the death of another child at the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the city of Deir al-Balah, located in the center of the Gaza Strip, due to severe malnutrition and dehydration and announced that The number of victims of starvation in Gaza has so far reached 40. Of course, this is a statistic recorded in hospitals, and there are many victims of starvation who could not reach the hospital. >

Famine disaster in northern Gaza

On the other hand, medical sources at Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza Strip announced: More than 200 children are at real risk of death from are starving, and we are witnessing a terrible famine and disaster in the north of Gaza.

Accordingly, about 700,000 people are now suffering from a severe lack of food in the north of the Gaza Strip, which is due to the closure of the land crossings of Gaza. This situation has become much worse due to the occupying regime and the interruption of all aid to northern Gaza.

Hossam Abusafia, the head of Kamal Adwan Hospital, announced that in this hospital, severe malnutrition symptoms have been observed in more than 200 children have been observed and the international community has the duty to take action to save the lives of these children as soon as possible. “Philippe Lazzarini”, the Commissioner General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, UNRWA, also announced in the same context: the children of the Gaza Strip see tragedies that no child in the world should see or endure. Many of these children have been massacred, many are injured, and many of them must remain disabled for the rest of their lives. They suffer deeply psychologically. In addition, the future of these children is unknown and their schools were destroyed and they lost an entire academic year. In fact, the children of Gaza were deprived of their childhood rights and they have not even reached their minimum rights.

On the other hand, relevant sources have pointed out the disastrous situation of Gaza children in the shadow of brutal aggression and heavy siege of the occupation regime against this area. And they reported: Many children do not have any energy due to malnutrition and their bodies are weakened.

Baha Al-Nimr is one of these children who suffered from cerebral palsy since birth and the terrible conditions of the war worsened his condition. It made it worse. The parents of this child say that he died due to the consequences of famine and severe malnutrition, which the occupying regime uses as a dirty weapon in its genocidal war against the civilians of Gaza. He lost 20 kg and now weighs 30 kg.

The children of Gaza have become skin and bones

Since the beginning of last May, the Zionist occupation regime has been under siege imposed against northern Gaza intensified, and according to legal and field data, residents of Gaza City and its north currently do not have access to any food, and only a small amount of flour remains, with which they can only prepare a limited amount of bread.

This situation is very disastrous and terrible for people, especially children. Images of Gazan children published in the media show that they are literally reduced to skin and bones and their skeletons are clearly defined. One after another, these children die of hunger after enduring indescribable pain and suffering.

نوار غزه , رژیم صهیونیستی (اسرائیل) ,

Medical resources in the Gaza Strip warning They said that the lack of consumption of meat, vegetables and milk has caused the spread of severe malnutrition among children, the elderly, patients and pregnant women, and also that most of the injured have severe fractures in their organs and due to the lack of access to meat, their fractures do not heal.

On the other hand, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) issued a statement pointing to the sad situation of children in Gaza and announced: Currently, 3000 children are suffering from severe malnutrition in the Gaza Strip and due to deprivation of Medical services are at risk of death in the shadow of continued aggressive Israeli attacks on the city of Rafah in the south of Gaza.

With reference to the critical situation in northern Gaza, UNICEF reported: The situation in the south is not good at all and the arrival of aid Humanitarian aid to the south of the Gaza Strip has decreased significantly. This issue causes more children to be at risk of malnutrition and death due to it. Terrible attacks by Israel and the displacement of civilians do not allow families to access food and health services. “Adel Khader”, the regional director of UNICEF in the Middle East and North Africa, in his turn announced in this context: “Terrible images of The Gaza Strip shows children starving to death in front of their families. 3,000 children are now at real risk of starving to death if their situation is not addressed quickly.

The child from Gaza who swallowed a watch battery because of hunger
Israel’s war with children; The painful tragedy of death due to hunger in Gaza

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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