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Trump’s promise to cut taxes

Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for the 2024 US elections, promised to reduce taxes if he is re-elected to the White House.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim News Agency

, Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for the 2024 US elections, on his 78th birthday party, promised to cut taxes if he gets to the White House again.

During his presidency, Trump reduced the tax rate from 35% to 21% and other measures implemented to reduce taxes, which will expire next year. , emphasized: I want these measures to be permanent and fixed, and I still want to reduce taxes more than before. I still want to cut those taxes, especially for the middle class.

Also, Trump, who has always taken a tough stance on immigrants, has He warned about the danger of immigrants entering the US soil and promised to crack down on immigrants in a big way if he is re-elected to the presidency. He also criticized the efforts of the Biden administration to restrict the passage of illegal immigrants.

Trump referring to the recent arrest of 8 citizens from Tajikistan In New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia, he made a vague prediction of future attacks on American soil, accusing him of being associated with the ISIS terrorist group.

Presenting evidence of the invasion of thousands of terrorists on American soil, he admitted: Our country has never been exposed to such a danger as this. Our country has suffered enormous costs for many years.

while about 10 days ago white”>U.S. President Joe Biden, in a serious move ahead of the presidential election in November, has banned asylum seekers who enter the U.S. illegally from Mexico .

The US Department of Homeland Security announced: According to this law, which comes into effect today, immigrants who illegally enter border into the United States, they are quickly returned to Mexico, with exceptions for unaccompanied children, people with serious illnesses or security threats, and victims of drug trafficking, but with access to asylum applications for immigrants seeking appointments through the program CBP filled out and registered their form or used other legal channels, still open and available

While announcing this new law, the American president criticized Trump’s often controversial policies, including the separation of immigrant families at the border and Trump’s statements that the blood of the country is being poisoned by illegal immigrants, and said: “I never consider immigrants a threat.” /span>

At the same time, the results of the latest Reuters-Ipsos polls show that on immigration policies, voters prefer Trump to Biden with a 17 percent difference.

Meanwhile, Biden previously said After Republicans rejected a bipartisan bill that passed the Senate, his administration is looking to take some enforcement action to block the flow of immigrants at the border.

According to this report, the bipartisan immigration and border security bill stalled in the Senate in February. It was left after Donald Trump asked Republicans not to support the bill, even though it included many of the rules Republicans wanted for border security.

In February, the US Senate introduced the bipartisan border security and foreign aid bill for the latest fiscal year. The bill provides $20 billion for border security, which would allow the government to deport illegal immigrants crossing the southern US-Mexico border daily, as well as an arrest policy. and ending the release of immigrants and increasing the standards required for asylum applications and speeding up the review process of this application .

Concerns about immigration policies have become a major issue in this year’s election campaigns. American Republicans have repeatedly criticized the policies of the Biden administration on the issue of immigrants and illegal immigrants crossing the Mexican border, an issue that has intensified on the eve of the presidential election in November this year, and Biden’s opponents are looking to use this issue to destroy Biden. /span>

Some time ago, the presidents of the United States and Mexico announced that they intend to be more strict about illegal immigrants on their common borders.

Meanwhile, second-term Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has tightened his stance on border security in recent months, while the issue of illegal immigrants has become a major issue. The concerns of American voters have become.

The issue of illegal immigrants in America and their attempts to enter this country through the Mexican border has become one of the most challenging and critical issues. It has become Joe Biden’s administration.

U.S. Border Patrol agents have apprehended about 2 million illegal immigrants at the border with Mexico in fiscal year 2023, which is an unprecedented number. It was in the first 2 years of Biden’s presidency.

The United Nations announced that immigrants and refugees crossing the border of Mexico with the United States from violence, economic problems and the negative effects of changes Weather escapes.

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