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The confusion of the West and the United States after the escalation of Hezbollah attacks

Following the significant intensification of Hezbollah's operations against the Zionist regime on a quantitative and qualitative level, the West and the United States have once again struggled to save Israel on the northern front.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, the investigation of the events of the last two days in southern Lebanon shows that Since the terrorist crime of the occupying regime in the martyrdom of Haj Abu Talib, the military commander of Hezbollah and his comrades, Lebanon’s resistance in the battle against the Zionist enemy has been using strong firepower with deterrent dimensions, which is a clear message that Hezbollah is ready to face any The intensification of tensions is from the occupying regime.

The efforts of the West and America to save Israel

Therefore, if the Zionist regime wants to reduce tensions even in a limited way expand, the Lebanese resistance will give a decisive answer to the Zionists and will not hesitate to carry out deadly operations against the occupying enemy. This is what Sheikh Naim Qassem, Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah, also pointed out.

Accordingly, there have been many warnings at the regional and international level about the escalation of tensions on the borders of Lebanon and occupied Palestine, and the Arab capitals and the international community are establishing communications to prevent the tensions in the mentioned borders from turning into a wide war. Also, the Zionists, who verbally threaten Lebanon with war, behind the scenes, the United States and Western countries. have been pressured to find a diplomatic way to stop the southern Lebanese front. But after the Gaza war entered its ninth month, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, as well as the American and Western parties, have made sure that the only way to end Hezbollah’s operations is to completely stop the war in the Gaza Strip. On this basis, Netanyahu recently again resorted to absurd rhetoric against Lebanon and threatened to expand operations in the northern front; with the hope of bringing Hizbullah into negotiations based on which the Southern Front of Lebanon would separate from the Gaza Strip. They try to calm down the southern front of Lebanon and prevent the spread of war on this front. Americans and Westerners explain their concern that the Israeli forces, who are involved in a long war, are ready to pay any additional price. engage in a massive war with Lebanon; While they know that Israel needs the full support of America and the West for such a war.

However, and while Zionist sources report that the Israeli army will continue military operations in Rafah in southern Gaza for the next two weeks. ends, the field data does not indicate the transfer of the forces of the Zionist regime to the northern front. 2018 pointed out and said: This army cannot make decisions on two fronts at the same time, and therefore, if Israel is looking to start a war, it must first be able to predict how it will end and before entering the war, know how it is going to end. The war should end.

Israel’s strategic dilemma on the Lebanon and Gaza front

Therefore, the logical conclusion of the recent developments in the Gaza war and also the battle between Hezbollah and the army The Zionist regime can be summarized as follows:- First, it seems that the Zionist regime is not ready to end the Gaza war and withdraw from the Gaza Strip and go towards a prisoner exchange deal with Hamas. This means that the Israeli army will remain engaged in a war of attrition; A war that may continue for several months.

– The continuation of the war in the Gaza Strip automatically means the continuation of the operations of the fronts supporting the resistance against the Zionist regime; Fronts such as the resistance in Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq, which manage a new version of the war of attrition against the Zionist regime.

– The crimes committed by the Zionist regime in southern Lebanon, as well as the assassination of resistance fighters with various military ranks. As the Zionist circles admit, it cannot create a strategic achievement for Israel; Rather, it may create a dangerous path for this regime in which Hezbollah will have big surprises for the Zionists. Therefore, the question before the Israelis will be if the war on the northern front is not to be stopped. And the settlers cannot return to this area, so what is the point of continuing the assassinations?

– The operational plan of the Lebanese resistance has various forms, and based on this, the terrorist operations that the Israeli army carries out against the forces of Hezbollah have a negative effect on the performance. Lebanese resistance fighters will not be in the field. These operations also do not intimidate the political leadership of the resistance in any way, and this is something that Israel has realized well over the past four decades.

The practical example of this theory was what happened in the wave of intense operations by Hezbollah during the three We saw yesterday. In general, we are now facing an unstable path in the conflicts on the borders of Lebanon and occupied Palestine, and the decision-makers in the major capitals of the world are afraid of the ambiguous consequences of any major confrontation on these borders.

In this context, Emmanuel Macron, The President of France announced on Thursday that the leaders of the Group of 7 agreed at their summit to form a tripartite committee including the US, France and Israel to discuss the Paris initiative to reduce tensions between Hezbollah and Israel; The factor that caused Amos Hockstein, the US special envoy, to announce that he will travel to occupied Palestine on Monday to discuss ways to prevent a large-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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