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3,000 American veterans: Washington should stop funding Israel

An American publication reported that a coalition of American legal institutions and 3,000 American veterans launched a campaign against the bellicose policies of the White House and demanded the end of financial aid to Tel Aviv.

report Mehr News, an American publication reported on Saturday that a range of human rights organizations and American veterans launched a campaign in support of stopping the war and violence, asking the US Congress to stop supporting remove financial and military funds from the “child-killing Israeli” regime against the Palestinians.

The “Consortium News” website reported that while the Israeli army’s genocide in Gaza City has entered the ninth month of the Gaza war, and so far dozens of Palestinian civilians in The terrible war of the Zionists against the Palestinians have been martyred and injured, a group of human rights groups in the United States, together with 3 thousand American veterans, signed a petition protesting the anti-human rights policies of the White House and supporting the child-killing Israeli regime, and requested the US House of Representatives to End the support of this bloody regime.

According to this American publication, “3,000 American veterans, along with the special institution of military rights affiliated with the National Bar Association and the Center for Human Rights, Awake Human and War, Following the example of the call for compensation for war damages in 2006, during the occupation of Iraq by the United States, the United States calls for a stop to the war and Washington’s political and military support for Tel became Avio.”

In this regard, “Juan Betancourt“, the former chief pilot of the US Army, protested against War policies Tolabane The White House announced: “I resigned from the United States Army because my conscience did not allow me to engage in inhumane actions, and I do not want to continue with my silence.” to be Israel’s accomplice in the shocking massacre of civilians in Gaza.

According to this American publication, in the community of human rights organizations and war survivors in America, “Kathleen Gilbard”, the executive director of the special military law group of the National Bar Association, in his protest rally, in his speech, referring to the large number of protesting Americans who are tired of US policies and Israeli crimes in Gaza, announced that many protesting Americans now want to leave Giri are honorably discharged from military service, and there are even serious requests among American military personnel who have serious objections to America’s support for Israel’s genocide against Palestinians.

The American veteran continued by pointing out the importance of setting up such protest campaigns against the liberal war policies Washington said in support of Israel’s bloodthirsty regime: “As we witnessed in the Vietnam War, the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War, the formation of the peace front and instilling the spirit of standing and resistance is a significant force to confront the brutal.” And it was the realization of justice, and now the special military rights group of the National Association of Lawyers and our allied groups by supporting the anti-war military opponents and military personnel separated from military service by forming a campaign against violence and war from the awakened conscience of free people and We support against human crimes.”


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