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Iran’s recommendation to distance the Group of 7 from destructive policies

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while rejecting the claims made in the statement of the Group of Seven against Iran, advised this group to learn from previous experiences and distance themselves from the destructive policies of the past.
– International News

According to the foreign policy group Tasnim news agency, Nasser Kanaani, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to some of the provisions of the G7 leaders’ statement, while emphasizing the purely peaceful nature of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear program, referred to the recent anti-Iranian resolution of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Board of Governors as a confirmation of the political approach of this resolution. And its founders and the misuse of international mechanisms by some governments against independent countries. 

Kanaani emphasized at the same time: The Islamic Republic of Iran continues its constructive interaction and technical cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency within the framework of its rights and duties and plans and It carries out its peaceful nuclear projects in accordance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, regardless of political pressures and atmospheres. As the root and the main reason of the existing situation, the three European countries considered it necessary to address the mutual concern of all parties to prove their good intentions and avoid these countries from taking ineffective policy measures.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, emphasizing the constructive and stabilizing role of our country in the path of establishing stable security in the region, added: The Islamic Republic of Iran will act decisively in protecting and defending its security and national interests against any ill-considered behavior and action.

Kanaani stressed the unshakable commitment of our country to respect human rights and pointed out: the realization of the lofty goals of human rights in the international arena now faces important challenges, the most urgent of which is indifference and The inaction of the leaders of the Group of Seven countries towards the “systematic and widespread killing” of Palestinians by the only apartheid regime in the world, namely the occupying and militant Israeli regime in the Palestinian territories.

Kanaani regarding The developments in Ukraine reminded: As we have stated many times, any attempt to link the war in Ukraine to the bilateral cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia is an act with only biased political goals. 

Kanaani noted: Unfortunately, some countries, with political motives and by resorting to false and unproven claims, try to continue using their ineffective and failed policy to apply and They continue to impose sanctions against the Iranian people. Therefore, we advise Group of Seven to learn from previous experiences and distance themselves from the destructive policies of the past.

Group of 7 repeated denied claims against Iran
accusation European troika on Iran’s nuclear developments

end of message/


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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