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Eid al-Adha prayer in the ruins of Gaza/faith and resistance at the height of the war  

The people of Gaza held the Eid al-Adha prayer and its ceremony in the midst of ruins and in the shadow of war and famine.

report Mehr News, according to al-Arabi al-Jadeed, this morning thousands of Palestinian worshipers performed the Eid al-Adha prayer near the destroyed mosques and in the area of ​​the displaced persons’ camps in the Gaza Strip. In the shadow of the siege and the brutal war that the Zionist occupation regime has launched against the people of Gaza, these people cannot celebrate Eid al-Adha or perform sacrifices.

Human rights activists started distributing gifts to Gazan children in some mosques today to make them happy. Haj Ahmed Hassan, one of the displaced citizens of Gaza who participated in the Eid al-Adha prayer, told al-Arabi al-Jadeed: A large number of our people were martyred and our houses were destroyed, and after Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha is the second holiday that has occurred in the midst of the devastating war in Gaza. arrives; But we continue our resistance in all circumstances and are satisfied with God’s destiny and we wait for his help.

Ali Osama, one of the other worshipers, also says: Last year, we performed a sacrifice ceremony with our brothers and friends on this day, but today we can hardly get a loaf of bread. He added: The occupying regime committed the most brutal crimes against us and the international community has disappointed us. However, despite all this, our faith in our cause and right has never been shaken, and in this way, we will pay any necessary price with full satisfaction, and we thank God in any case.

Salem Abdulaziz, one of the other citizens of Gaza, also said: Eid is like any other day for us; Because we are still displaced and oppressed. But with all this, we thank God. The world has disappointed us, but we are sure that God will not disappoint us, and therefore we are satisfied with his destiny.

The people of Gaza welcome Eid Al-Adha with the same sad mood as they had on Eid al-Fitr, and even the amount of their pain and suffering has increased. On Eid al-Fitr, the people of Gaza were waiting for international pressure to stop the barbaric crimes of the Zionist regime against Gaza and for a ceasefire to be established. But this little hope is not seen among the people of Gaza today on Eid al-Adha. But they still keep their faith.

Maryam Hamdan, a 40-year-old Palestinian woman who was displaced from the north-east of the Gaza Strip, said: “During the repeated displacements that we had in the past months, the clothes that we could hardly wear during Eid The al-Fitr we had prepared for our children was destroyed. My little one, Nadine, had a red dress that she has been very sad to lose since. This year, the children of Gaza, like Nadine, cannot wear Eid clothes, and the Eid holiday has no meaning for them.

Criticizing the silence of the international community against the crimes committed by the Zionist regime against Gaza, as well as the lax positions of the Arab regimes against these crimes, he emphasized: “Since I was a child My grandmother always said that a Muslim can be happy only when his Muslim brother is also happy; But what we are seeing now is the opposite, and the Arab and Islamic countries are not doing anything to save the Palestinian people.

Preventing the occupiers from bringing livestock into Gaza

On the other hand, the government information office in the Gaza Strip issued a statement announcing that the occupying regime is preventing the entry of livestock into Gaza for sacrifice and depriving the Palestinian people of Eid al-Adha celebration once again reveals the dirty and criminal face of the Zionist regime and the American government.

This government body in Gaza emphasized: Closing all crossings in the Gaza Strip, including the Rafah border crossing, and preventing livestock from entering Gaza, is a new crime that has been blacklisted. Occupiers are added. This new crime is in the framework of a series of barbaric crimes committed by the Zionists in the genocidal war against Gaza and the unjust siege that the occupying enemy imposed on this area since 18 years ago.

In this statement, it is stated: The sacrifice ceremony on Eid al-Adha is an inseparable part of Muslim customs and culture, and preventing it from being held is disregard and insult to Islamic principles and It is considered humanitarian values. This situation requires the serious intervention of the international community to stop the genocidal war against Gaza and end the clear violation of Muslim rights.

Government Information Office in the Gaza Strip held the Zionist regime and the American government fully responsible for the continuation of these crimes against the Palestinian nation and Islamic holy places and emphasized: the international community, The United Nations, various international organizations and all the free countries of the world must put pressure on the occupying regime and the American government to stop the genocidal war against Gaza, open the land crossings and break the complete blockade of Gaza.

The enemy will kneel before the faith and patience of Gaza

Eid al-Adha has arrived this year while more than 130,000 Palestinian civilians have been martyred or injured in the barbaric crimes committed by the occupying regime against the Gaza Strip. Accordingly, Muslims cannot celebrate Eid al-Adha happily like in previous years.

In this context, Sheikh “Ikrama Sabri”, the preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque and head of the Supreme Islamic Council in Quds, addressed the Palestinian nation and All Arab and Islamic nations declared: Considering the enemy’s destructive war against Gaza, we ask the Arab and Islamic nations to limit the rituals of Eid al-Adha to religious slogans, prayers and slaughtering the sacrifice and not to celebrate and rejoice. Sheikh Sabri emphasized: We must feel responsibility and sympathize with our brothers in the Gaza Strip and other Palestinian areas who are facing calamities.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country, referring to the publication of pictures of the Eid al-Adha prayer in the ruins of Gaza, wrote that the terrible and shocking crimes of the Zionist enemy in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank It will not break the determination of the Palestinian people to liberate their land and the Holy Al-Quds from the occupation of the Zionists.

It is stated in this article: Palestinian men, women and young people, together with their innocent and suffering children, prayed the Eid al-Adha prayer, grieving and wounded and painful, but strong. And the believers have established divine help. The Zionist enemy and whoever is with him will kneel before the faith, patience and determination of the Palestinian people.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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