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The sudden trip of the American envoy to the occupied territories and Beirut

Following the concern of the West and the United States after the intensification of Hezbollah's operations against the invaders, the special envoy of the United States is traveling to Lebanon and the occupied territories in an unplanned action.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, while after the intensification of the operations of the Lebanese Islamic resistance against The Zionist regime, following the crime of this regime in the assassination of one of the military commanders of Hezbollah, the United States and the Western countries have again struggled to save the Zionist regime in the northern front of occupied Palestine, news sources reported that the American envoy “Amos Hochstein” was on an unplanned trip. , will go to Beirut and occupied Palestine on Monday.

Sharq al-Awsat newspaper quoted informed sources and announced that the visit of the American envoy to Tel Aviv and then to Beirut was not on his agenda before; But after intensifying concerns about the expansion of the war between Lebanon and Israel, Hochstein traveled to Tel Aviv and Beirut within the framework of American efforts to prevent such a war. At the time of the terrorist crime of the occupying regime in the martyrdom of Haj Abu Talib, the military commander of Hezbollah and his comrades, the Lebanese resistance in the battle against the Zionist enemy uses strong firepower with deterrent dimensions, which is a clear message that Hezbollah is ready to deal with any escalation of tensions. It is from the occupying regime. Therefore, if the Zionist regime wants to expand tensions even in a limited way, the Lebanese resistance will give a decisive answer to the Zionists and will not hesitate to carry out deadly operations against the occupying enemy. This is what Sheikh Naim Qassem, Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah, also pointed out.

Accordingly, there have been many warnings at the regional and international level about the escalation of tensions on the borders of Lebanon and occupied Palestine, and the Arab capitals and the international community are establishing communication to prevent the tensions in the mentioned borders from turning into a large-scale war. They try to calm down the southern front of Lebanon and prevent the spread of war in this front. Also, the Zionists, who verbally threaten Lebanon with war, behind the scenes have put pressure on America and Western countries to diplomatically find a way to stop the southern front of Lebanon.

In this context, Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, announced on Thursday that the leaders of the Group of 7 in their summit meeting to form a tripartite committee including the United States. France and Israel agreed to discuss the Paris initiative to reduce tensions between Hezbollah and Israel; The factor that caused Amos Hockstein, the US special envoy, to announce that he will travel to occupied Palestine on Monday to discuss ways to prevent a large-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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