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Ali Bagheri: Hamid Nouri returned to Iran with powerful diplomacy

Referring to the role of honorable diplomacy in the release of Hamid Nouri, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs said: The diligence and seriousness of the martyred president and my dear brother, martyred Amir Abdollahian, in pursuing the rights of Iranians cannot be forgotten.
– International News – Ali Referring to the release of Hamid Nouri from Sweden, Bagheri Keni, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of our country, wrote on his personal page on the X social network: On the eve of the holy days of Qurban and Ghadir, Mr. Hamid Nouri, after enduring 1680 days of captivity in a Swedish prison, with strong diplomacy He returned to our dear Iran.

Ali Bagheri, emphasizing that the diligence and seriousness of the martyred president and my dear brother, martyred Amir Abdullahian, in pursuing the rights of Iranians cannot be forgotten, he said: I would like to thank the Sultanate of Oman in this way.

Hamid Nouri was an employee of the prisons organization in the 1360s, and since the beginning of the 1370s, he resigned from his workplace and became a freelancer. In November 2018, he went to Sweden for the second time on a personal trip, when he was arrested by the police upon his arrival in this country, and then he was brought to court due to the false complaint of the members of the terrorist group of the hypocrites. In 1401, the court of first instance sentenced Abd Hamid Nouri to life imprisonment, which he appealed. The appeals court confirmed the verdict of the lower court the same year.

Kanaani: Azadi Noori is another manifestation of Iran’s power diplomacy
“Hamid Nouri” was released

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