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The court ruling about American students; Palestine test of freedom of speech

Demonstrations of supporters of Palestine in American universities can be seen as the latest event that has shed light on the features of "freedom of expression" in the Western world and has become a test to measure the claims of Westerners in the issue of freedom of expression.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, the California court has recently ruled in a ruling claiming that Demonstrations by university professors and employees in support of Palestine cause “irreparable damage” to university students, forcing them to end their strikes. Violence has been issued against students of prominent American universities and has severely questioned Washington’s claim to support freedom of speech. In addition, the American media has also reported that the American Congress is on the verge of introducing a law to the government. The federal government will allow student demonstrations on university campuses to be suppressed under the pretext of anti-Semitism.

Meanwhile, the United States claims the right to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and media in the first paragraph of the constitutional amendment to the citizens of this country. has been granted. Accordingly, Washington has repeatedly accused other countries of violating freedom of speech and freedom of assembly in the past years.

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Many analysts consider the recent policies of the United States to suppress students as a violation of the country’s claim to support freedom of speech. Barton Lee Artz, professor of media studies and head of the Global Studies Center at Purdue University, said about these American actions: “Protesters have been thrown out of their dormitories for protesting the bombing of Gaza by Israel, and this is a violation of all the requirements of freedom of speech and academic freedom. He added: “This reminds me of the protests against the Vietnam War a few decades ago. At that time, students were mocked and blamed for protesting the American war in Gaza.” Ertz added: “We are in a similar situation now, and students who demand a permanent ceasefire are labeled as anti-Semitic. They are eaten and blamed. Even Jewish organizations such as the Jewish Voice for Peace have the same situation.”

Of course, these repressions are not limited to America, and other Western countries have put similar procedures on the agenda in the past months. Germany, France, Australia and many other western countries have strongly opposed demonstrations in support of Palestine in the past months.

For example, in the country of France, which uses Islamophobic measures under the pretext of “freedom of expression”. It justifies that the police repeatedly attacked the students and tried to disperse the protestors by using batons and tear gas. There is no restriction on freedom of speech, they have been praised. For example, in 2015, when this publication provoked the anger of Muslims by insulting the sacred space of the Prophet of Islam, the authorities of Paris justified those outrageous behaviors by taking a stronghold behind concepts such as freedom of speech and human rights. 

In America, several years ago, when the production of a film insulting the Prophet of Islam brought millions of Muslim protests around the world, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: “America does not deprive its citizens of expressing their views.”

Therefore, it seems that in the western world, the scope of freedom of speech is defined only to the extent that it does not harm the ideologies supported by the governments of these countries and on the other hand, it can provide a political justification for a civilizational war against countries with cultural differences with the West. Slow down.

The West’s confrontation with the Holocaust is another good example in support of this claim. Many of the same countries that seek to suppress demonstrations of supporters of Palestine these days have criminalized Holocaust denial and deal with it. It has shed light in the western world. 

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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