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The rituals of Hajj are the practice of axing the enemies of Islam and evil spirits

Referring to the Hajj rituals, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote: The philosophy of the Abrahamic Hajj and Hajj customs and rituals teach Muslims and believers everywhere in the world how to declare their innocence in the real world from Satan and evil spirits.
– International news

according to the foreign policy group Tasnim news, Nasser Kanani, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, referring to the rituals of Hajj and emphasizing that these rituals are a practice of axing the enemies of Islam, wrote in his official account on Program X: Hajj rituals are in addition to an eloquent and grateful effort in the path of approaching and worshiping God. And declaring complete servitude to the holy essence of Haqq is practicing Jihad with the soul, ridding oneself of the enemies of Islam, and declaring one’s innocence from Satan and Satan and the devils.

He also wrote: The Abrahamic Hajj philosophy and Hajj customs and rituals teach Muslims and believers everywhere in the world how to declare their innocence in the real world from the devil and devils.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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