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Xi: America wants China to attack Taiwan

According to a report, Chinese President Xi Jinping told European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen that the US wants Beijing to attack Taiwan.
– International news

according to the report of the international group Tasnim news, informed sources told the Financial Times newspaper that the Chinese President told the European Commission President that Washington is trying to push Beijing to attack Taiwan.

The Chinese president also issued warnings to domestic officials in his country, a person familiar with the matter said.

According to an English newspaper report, Xi raised this warning in a meeting with von Derlein in April 2023. He has stated that America is trying to trick China into attacking Taiwan, but he does not fall for the bait. Another person revealed that Xi had issued similar warnings to his country’s officials.

Some academic figures and retired Chinese military officers believe that Washington is trying to push Beijing with Providing arms to Taiwan would provoke and take other actions to push China into a military conflict.

US concerns about the economic consequences of China’s attack on Taiwan

“Kui Tiankai”, former ambassador In a speech in Washington in January, hinting at the United States, China said that China “will not fall into a trap that anyone might prepare for.”

According to the Financial Times, Xi has also said that conflict with the United States would undo many of China’s achievements and undermine his goal of achieving a grand “rejuvenation” program by 2049.

The publication of this report comes as tensions across the Taiwan Strait have reached a peak. China responded to the inauguration of Lai Ching-te as Taiwan’s new head of government with major military exercises across the island. Beijing has described Lai as a “dangerous separatist”.

Washington is helping Taipei defend its interests under the Taiwan Relations Act. However, the Biden administration says it does not support Taiwan’s independence and opposes unilateral changes to the status quo.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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