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Israeli politician: There is no news of victory, they are deceiving us

A member of the Knesset of the Zionist regime announced in a note that the generals and politicians ruling Israel continue to deceive us because there is no news of victory.
– International news –

according to the Hebrew group Tasnim news agency, Haim Ramon, an Israeli politician who has a history in the Ministry of Justice of the Zionist regime He also announced in a note that Israeli politicians suffered a heavy military defeat and today they are trying to present the war as a victory to the public opinion.

His note, which was published in the Hebrew news site News One, announced that since 2007, all the prime ministers, ministers of war, and chiefs of staff of the Israeli army have supported the strategy of not completely defeating Hamas, and up until October 7, they always considered it correct. They knew, but after that we suffered a heavy and fatal blow. The Joint Chiefs of Staff are trying to talk about their victories in a defeated tone, all these issues passed before my eyes.

These generals are trying to win for more than a month, the Israeli army and Netanyahu’s cabinet have been announcing that the defeat of the military wing of Hamas is very close, even some of the commanders of the army staff, specifically Hertz Halevi, have repeatedly informed political officials that Israel has defeated Hamas. but this defeat will not mean the end of the war and the conflict is still going on and the intelligence elites will remain so that if Hamas seeks action against Israel again, we will act against it quickly.

This note continues, it is clear that Gallant and Halliway are convinced that they are dealing with a stupid society, so stupid that they can label the defeat of Hamas as imminent within a month. He fed it continuously, and it is perfectly acceptable for them to be told that the end of the war does not mean the end of the conflict and that Hamas will continue to kill Israelis!

Criticizing the war policies of Netanyahu’s cabinet, this radical Zionist politician wrote: The Israeli War Cabinet and the General Staff of the Army have decided not to completely occupy the Gaza Strip, that is, the only way through which the military power of Hamas can be overcome. curbing the Kurds is off the agenda, instead they have preferred to implement the already failed strategy of withdrawing the Israeli army from the region after each operation, which Hamas has succeeded in after the departure of the army forces, he regained his control.

He finally admitted: the bitter reality is that Gallant As the Minister of War, Halevy as the Chief of Staff of the Army and with them Benjamin Netanyahu as the Prime Minister are well aware that they suffered a historic defeat in this war and were able to lead Israel to a terrible defeat, but they have not been willing to do this for months. to change their failed strategy, because this means a clear admission of failure, they want to accept failure but at the same time present it as a victory to society.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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