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America is the origin of terrorism/The roar of the free nations of America brings them to their knees

Warning the world about the danger of America's "barbaric terrorism" in the spread of global chaos, Mohammad Abdus Salam announced that free nations should prevent this country from openly supporting Israel by shouting against America.

reported by Mehr News Agency, Mohammad Abd al-Salam, head of the national negotiating team and spokesperson of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, in an address to the free nations of the world, warned about the danger of spreading chaos in the world from the American state terrorism.

Al-Masirah news base reported on Monday night that Mohammad Abdussalam, the official spokesman of the Ansarullah Movement, called Washington’s support for the occupation in Gaza an example of state terrorism.

In a speech, the spokesman of Ansarullah asked the people of the world to stop the silence and shouting against the American government and prevent the continuation of brutal terrorist policies in open and unrestricted support and scandal of Israel. .

Abdul Salam emphasized that America’s support for Israel to commit crimes of the century in Gaza is an expression of real terrorism, which is a danger to the world and a serious threat to world peace.

The senior official of the Yemeni government added: American terrorism spreads chaos in the world, but it is never capable of restraining and surrendering the free nations that fight against They are ready to fight and cling to the will of liberation and independence.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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