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Great concern has cast a shadow over Europe

Examining the situation of European countries in the shadow of the rise of racist parties and the unique resistance of the Palestinians against the crimes of the Zionist regime is one of the axes of attention of the leading newspapers of the Arab world.

Mehr News, International Group: In addition to developments related to the Gaza Strip and Palestine, which have always been the focus of the Arab media, the situation in European countries in the shadow of the victory of radical and racist parties in the European Parliament. It can be examined and pondered.

نگرانی شدید بر سراسر اروپا سایه افکنده است

Al Quds al-Arabi newspaper wrote about the developments in Europe: In the current situation, a widespread concern covers the entire continent of Europe. The unprecedented victory of the radical and racist rightists in the European Parliament elections will strongly influence the politics of this continent and made the French president want to hold early parliamentary elections in this country. The continuation of the Russia-Ukraine war will test the ability of Europeans with different interests to adopt a unified policy towards the financial and military support of Kiev and Moscow’s economic and trade sanctions. On the other hand, Europeans have very different positions regarding the aggression of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip. While European governments such as Germany support Netanyahu’s cabinet, the people of Europe, especially students, are against this process, and some European countries such as Spain recognize the state of Palestine.

نگرانی شدید بر سراسر اروپا سایه افکنده است

Rai Elium newspaper wrote about the dual positions of the countries of the world: One of the duties of the United Nations and its affiliated institutions is to resolve conflicts between the countries of the world and provide humanitarian aid to war refugees. But it seems that double standards have crept in among Western countries and their allies. While the Westerners praise the resistance of the Ukrainians against Russia, they soon call the resistance of the Palestinians against the Zionist regime as terrorism. This is despite the fact that according to the laws of the International Criminal Court, the actions of the Zionist regime, the occupation of a land and the killing of its inhabitants are condemned, and the leaders of Tel Aviv must be tried, and on the other hand, the actions of the Palestinian resistance forces are against an occupying regime with the framework of international laws. It is completely compatible.

نگرانی شدید بر سراسر اروپا سایه افکنده است

Syrian al-Thawrah newspaper wrote about Palestine: The number of children martyred during the aggression of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip has reached 16,000, and this number is 44%. of all the martyrs of the Gaza Strip. In addition, 40,000 children were injured in this war and 17,000 children were orphaned. For this reason, it can be said that the Zionist regime’s war against the Gaza Strip is actually a war against Palestinian children. Not a day goes by that we don’t see pictures of martyred or wounded children and children screaming from under the rubble of bombed houses. It is safe to say that no child in the world has suffered as much as the children of the Gaza Strip.

نگرانی شدید بر سراسر اروپا سایه افکنده است

Al-Maqreeb al-Iraqi newspaper wrote about the American soldiers: With the arrival of Eid al-Adha, popular and national requests to expel the American soldiers from the territory of Iraq, especially in the shadow of the continued aggression of this The military has increased. The people want the next year to be the year that Iraq is freed from the American occupying forces. These requests were intensified with the beginning of the Al-Aqsa storm operation and the crimes of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip. The precise attacks of the Islamic resistance forces of Iraq against the positions of the Zionist regime after the start of this operation caused the concern of the White House. This is despite the fact that the United States is in official negotiations with Iraq today and tomorrow to withdraw its soldiers from this country.

نگرانی شدید بر سراسر اروپا سایه افکنده است

Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper wrote about the Zionist regime: The Zionist regime used to show a victorious and invincible image of itself after the six-day war with the armies of the Arab countries; An image of a hidden and superior power that creates unimaginable transformations! But today the Zionists can no longer show off this image like in the past. It is true that the Gaza Strip is the first front of the conflict with the Zionists, and the West Bank and the north of this area are the second front, but the third front is the understanding and perception that must be shown during the investigation of these developments. It can be said that this war is a war of awakening and awareness, which is more important than other fronts. In this front, we are witnessing unprecedented changes that have marked the unique performance of their resistance.

نگرانی شدید بر سراسر اروپا سایه افکنده است

Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper also wrote about Europe: After World War II, European countries tried to create a distance between themselves and fascist and Nazi groups by creating political barriers. do The purpose of this action was to prevent the repetition of the events of the Second World War in Europe, but during the last week, while the heads of the United States and Europe were celebrating the anniversary of the Normandy operation in France, the grandchildren of the neo-Nazis witnessed their victory in the European Parliament elections at the same time. It seems that these dams have lost their effectiveness after all these years.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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