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“ring of properties”; Netanyahu’s solution after the dissolution of the war cabinet

The media reports the possibility of forming a "property circle" consisting of Benjamin Netanyahu's confidants after the dissolution of the war cabinet, which became meaningless following the resignation of Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot.
– International News

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, with The departure of Benny Gantz and Gadi Eysenkot from the Israeli war cabinet, Benjamin Netanyahu had to dissolve this cabinet.

The surprise attack of the Palestinian Islamic resistance The southern regions of the territory under the control of the Israeli regime on the 7th of October 2023 caused Netanyahu’s coalition cabinet, which was heavily pressured by internal protests over the crisis of judicial reforms since 39 weeks ago, to face an existential threat.

This threat made Netanyahu reach out to his opponents and ask for help from the opposition to manage the war in a very critical situation. Although Benny Gantz’s joining the war cabinet gave him wide powers, it also helped Netanyahu a lot. Hiding behind the extremely high popularity (at that time) of Gantz, he tried to escape the crisis of legitimacy to a great extent and by prolonging the war, he brought himself from the state of opposition of 80% of the Zionist society to slightly more than 50%. /p>

The second important consequence of the formation of the war cabinet and limiting the war management to this cabinet was the removal of the extreme right wing, which with its radical statements and policies It had made the Zionist society extremely unhappy and polarized.

The third important consequence of the presence of Gantz and Eisenkot in the cabinet is the improvement of the relationship between Netanyahu’s cabinet and the regime’s army. He was a Zionist (who had strongly opposed the Prime Minister during the judicial protests). Also, the international pressure, especially from Israel’s foreign allies, was moderated due to the presence of moderate figures. There are difficult days ahead in all the above four axes, i.e. fully assuming the responsibilities of the war, the return of extreme rightists to the center of the field, increasing differences with the army and international allies, and most importantly, a significant increase in street protests.

With the dissolution of the war cabinet, which Yediot Aharonot newspaper considered to resist the request of Public Security Minister Itamar Ben Gower, Netanyahu must now find a replacement for this cabinet. In this case, we are facing three different scenarios:

  1. Ring formation Properties

The first possible scenario is that after dissolving the official war cabinet, Netanyahu will act The formation of a slow property ring, which is called Kitchen Cabinet in English literature. This term means forming an informal circle of personal advisors around a political figure. The experience of the war cabinet and especially the emergence of disagreements over the timing of the end of the war, the importance and priority of the agreement for the exchange of prisoners and some other issues seems to be the chance of forming a circle of properties and consisting of trusted people to manage war affairs in It increases the Gaza front as well as the northern front. Obviously, Netanyahu, War Minister Yoav Galant and Netanyahu’s security advisor Sakhi Hengbi will be the main members of this special circle. Those who are in Netanyahu’s circle of confidants will also be added to it. Considering that the media have mentioned the high chance of forming this cabinet, it should be emphasized that if such an event happens, Netanyahu’s intention will probably be to take the rest of the strategic decisions in secret. This can have important effects on both Gaza and Lebanon fronts.

  1. Transfer of war powers to the Security Cabinet

In principle, the Cabinet Security is the main responsibility of military conflicts. This cabinet in the Zionist regime usually has six members, but due to the presence of two prominent figures of the extreme right, Itmar Ben Goyer and Betsalel Smotrich, the Minister of Finance in Netanyahu’s security cabinet, who made the conflict between the commanders of the Israeli army and the demands of the extreme right, including He is aware of the restoration of Zionist settlements in Gaza, handing over these powers to the security cabinet will be troublesome for him. This option seems to have the least chance of being implemented.

From reducing the distance between Benny Gantz and Likud to the relative revival of the left wing
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  1. Transfer of war powers to the regular cabinet

The normal cabinet may also receive part of the war powers; The presence of the majority of Likud and religious parties in this cabinet means that far-right parties make up only 20% of the cabinet and Netanyahu can, through the majority vote, neutralize their obstruction. Therefore, it is expected that even if a secret war cabinet is formed, Netanyahu will make some war decisions symbolically within the normal cabinet to reduce the intensity of criticism.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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