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Ukraine America’s recognition of the importance of Russia’s participation in solving the crisis

Moscow's warning to Kiev about the consequences of refusing to negotiate peace, Russia's readiness to talk, stressing the impossibility of Ukraine joining NATO, NATO's Secretary General accusing China of supporting Russia and dependence on America being Europe's biggest problem, are some of the most important events surrounding the war.
– International news – Linda Thomas Greenfield, the permanent representative of the United States to the United Nations, admitted last night at the Security Council meeting that the conference on Ukraine that was held in Switzerland showed how necessary Russia’s presence is for peace negotiations.

This American diplomat said: It is important to note that this meeting was not a formal peace negotiation, because ultimately, a peaceful resolution of the current conflict requires the presence of both Ukrainian and Russian sides at the table.

At the same time, Ms. Thomas-Greenfield stressed that Russia’s demands for a peaceful settlement of the Ukraine conflict, as outlined by Vladimir Putin, were “unfair.” , evaluates as “cruel” and unacceptable.

Vasily Nebenzia, Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, also warned about the consequences of Kiev’s refusal to negotiate during this meeting. Peace reminded that the realities on the front line of the conflict will not change in favor of the Ukrainian side, and as time passes, the conditions for starting peace negotiations will change.

According to him, The West’s refusal to consider Russia’s peace proposal was not surprising; Such a reaction only confirms the misunderstanding of the western countries about the existing political discourse. Nebenzia added: We saw that the leaders of Western countries and NATO were very quick to reject the peace proposal made by Vladimir Putin. Of course, this encounter was not surprising for us. But this refusal only confirms the political blindness of Western capitals.

This Russian diplomat also called the participation of UN representatives in the Swiss summit on Ukraine unacceptable and said: We are sorry. that Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, attended the gathering, slyly calling it “participation as an observer”. While this action is unacceptable according to Article 100 of the UN Charter.

Next, you can follow the developments related to the 847th day of the war in Ukraine. :


Antonov: Russia never stopped talking with Ukraine did not refuse

Anatoly Antonov, the Russian ambassador in Washington, this morning, Wednesday, in an interview with Newsweek magazine, announced that the Moscow authorities have never stopped talking to the Ukrainians have not refrained. He said: “Our country has never avoided dialogue with Ukraine, and this means that we cannot talk about any kind of attempt to give them an ultimatum.”

This diplomat He emphasized that Kyiv itself has banned itself in the dialogue with Russia at the legislative level, and it was the West that closed its eyes to the 2014 coup and the events that happened after that, and ignored the non-compliance with the Minsk agreements by the Ukrainian side. In 2022, it forced Kiev to stop negotiations in Istanbul.

Ryabkov: Kyiv will never become a member of NATO >

This diplomat said in response to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s statement that the condition for Ukraine’s membership in this military bloc is the country’s victory in the conflict with Russia: “It is impossible to achieve this victory.” is, so Ukraine can never join NATO.”

Ryabkov explained: “Stoltenberg knows best how the deliberate decision was made in 2008, when NATO leaders At the highest level, they agreed that Ukraine will become a member of NATO. This decision was the trigger of many critical dimensions that we are witnessing today. If NATO members are ready to continue this war and history has taught them nothing, this rake will hit their foreheads with the handle and the bruise will get worse and worse.”

Earlier, John Kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications in the National Security Council of the White House, also said that in order to join NATO, Ukraine must first win the conflict with Russia.

Stoltenberg: China must choose between Russia and Europe

In recent weeks, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg NATO has intensified its rhetoric against China in its public speeches and has criticized the simultaneous cooperation of the People’s Republic of China with Russia and the West.

Thus, Stoltenberg yesterday in During a press conference during his visit to the United States, he talked about Russia-China relations and said: “It is still too early to say what consequences China will face for its support of Russia, but NATO countries are realizing more and more.” This situation is not tolerable. Because China is trying to maintain its normal relations with NATO European countries and at the same time support Russia’s military actions. This situation cannot continue.

NATO Secretary General warns If China does not change its behavior, it will negatively affect its trade relations with the United States. According to him, it is still too early to talk about possible economic consequences for China, “however, this issue should be raised and investigated.”

He reminded: India, Indonesia, Colombia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and South Africa are among the countries that did not sign this statement. The positions of these countries were certainly affected by their desire to maintain a neutral position in order not to damage political and economic relations with Russia and most importantly, their hands were open for future negotiations.

The Swedish Parliament approves the defense agreement with the United States regarding access to the country’s military facilities

The Swedish Parliament approves the defense agreement signed with the United States approved, according to which this country provides access to 17 of its military installations for the American military.

According to the report of the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, the parliament of the defense cooperation agreement (DCA) supported. 266 representatives voted in favor of this document, 37 representatives opposed it and 46 representatives were absent during the voting. We are talking about Sweden’s defense cooperation agreement with the United States (DCA), which was signed in December 2023. According to this document, the US will have access to 17 military installations located throughout the kingdom.

According to a Russian military official, the deployment of new NATO military units On the territory of Poland, Romania, the Baltic countries, Finland and Sweden, there is an operation that will ensure the training of the armed forces of these countries to start a military conflict with Russia and Belarus.

Peter Stano, the spokesperson for the foreign policy of the European Union, announced last night that the attempt to circumvent Sanctions against Russia through the territory of Kazakhstan violate the laws of the European Union, and this action may have consequences for natural and legal entities of this country.

He explained. : Regarding Kazakhstan, the EU, together with its international partners, is working closely with the country’s authorities to stop the circumvention of our sanctions. Circumventing EU sanctions or facilitating such activities is a violation of EU law. In response, the European Union may consider certain measures in this regard.

According to this European official, the European Union will not impose sanctions against the government of these countries. , but applies against specific entities – companies, organizations or specific individuals.

Earlier, EU Special Envoy for Sanctions David O’Sullivan said during his visit to Astana. that Brussels is concerned about some attempts to circumvent the sanctions against Russia through Kazakhstan.

Canada sanctions 13 representatives of Russian research organizations

The Canadian government has sanctioned 13 representatives of the Russian Investigative Committee, the Russian Penal Service and the Russian Police. The relevant information was published last night on the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers of this country.

The sanctioned persons are high-ranking officials and senior employees of the Russian Investigative Committee, the Penal Organization and the Russian Police. This decision entered into force on the day of its registration.

Previously, on June 13, Canada imposed sanctions against several Russian airlines and a number of other legal entities. and applied the truth of this country.

The Swedish Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian ambassador after the plane crash

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden announced that it summoned the Russian ambassador after the incident on June 14 regarding a Russian plane that allegedly violated Swedish airspace.

The message published on the Ministry’s website states: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Russian ambassador to explain his position regarding the unacceptable violation of Sweden’s airspace by Russia on Friday, the 14 June happened.

On Saturday, June 15, the spokesman of the Swedish armed forces claimed that a Russian plane apparently violated the country’s airspace in the east of the island. Gotland has violated the Baltic Sea.

The Ministry of Defense of Russia has repeatedly emphasized that all flights of the Russian Aerospace Forces are in accordance with international laws on the use of airspace.

Pilots of Russian long-range aircraft regularly fly over international waters in the Arctic, North Atlantic, Black and Baltic Seas, as well as the Pacific Ocean. They fly.

Zakharova called dependence on America the biggest problem of Europe

Maria Zakharova, the spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that European countries are in a position of complete dependence on America and this is the biggest problem of these countries.

Zakharova on her Telegram channel He wrote: Now the list of “American friends” is very large. This includes all those who do not think about their citizens and implement the political will dictated to them from outside. And this is exactly the biggest misfortune and problem of the Europeans and not the threat from Russia to its people.” Kurd that Russia has never threatened and will not threaten European countries. According to her, European countries should have good and kind relations with Russia, and Moscow is ready for this. America on the deepening of relations between Russia and North Korea

The spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: Instead of worrying about the deepening of cooperation between Russia and North Korea, the United States He should be worried about the physical and mental condition of the President of the United States, Joe Biden. Thus, Maria Zakharova commented on the statements of Karina Jean-Pierre, the spokesperson of the White House about Washington’s concern about the deepening of cooperation between Russia and North Korea. 

He said: If there is one thing that worries everyone, it is Biden’s condition, both in terms of physical and mental health, given that he is the leader of a nuclear power. and this is a problem that has been paid more and more attention. So is the Biden family’s financial problem – due to its illegal nature, which is also allegedly linked to Ukrainian fraud and corruption.

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