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A big change in Saudi politics

America's support for the Zionist regime and the killing of the Palestinian people, as well as the change in Saudi Arabia's foreign policy, are among the focus points of prominent newspapers in the Arab world.

Mehr News Agency, International Group: America’s support for the Zionist regime and the merciless killing of the Palestinian people has made this country unable to present itself as a peace-loving mediator; A country that has appeared more like a devil’s advocate than an agent of peace.

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Quds al-Arabi newspaper wrote in a report about Biden: America enters one battle after another in order to support the Zionist regime and justify the genocide of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. A case is still not closed, another case is opened. From the Security Council and the International Criminal Court to human rights institutions and the Group of Seven meeting, America’s role as the devil’s advocate continues. This behavior expresses a strategic attitude that the American governments have taken after the establishment of the Zionist regime. It doesn’t matter if the US president is a Democrat or a Republican; Washington’s support for Tel Aviv is unbreakable.

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Rai Elyoum newspaper wrote about Saudi Arabia: It seems that Saudi Arabia is reviewing its agreements and alliances with Western countries, especially the United States. This view can be seen in recent developments, especially the Ukrainian peace meeting in Switzerland. In this meeting, which was attended by 90 countries, a large number of countries such as Saudi Arabia, India, South Africa and Indonesia chose not to sign the final statement. This action shows the separation of Saudi positions from Western countries in important global issues. On the other hand, the American pressure on Saudi Arabia to normalize relations with Tel Aviv has caused a lot of diplomatic tensions. In the meantime, Saudi Arabia has decided not to continue its oil agreement with America, which has been going on for decades. This action is considered a major development in the economic and geopolitical policies of Saudi Arabia. With this decision, the period of selling Saudi oil exclusively with US dollars, which has been common since the seventies, will be stopped.

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Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar wrote about the Arab countries: while some Zionist media criticize the performance of this regime’s cabinet in the war against Gaza, some Arab media such as Al-Arabiya TV network He knows how to prepare the conditions for the spokesman of the Tel Aviv army to deliver more lies in this regard to the public opinion. At the same time, some Arabic newspapers continue to follow the line of Iran-phobia. It is true that the Arab nations have chosen to boycott Zionist goods as a means of declaring their opposition to this regime, but isn’t it time that the process of normalizing relations with Tel Aviv is boycotted and celebrations and

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Syrian al-Thawrah newspaper wrote about Palestine: Some families in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed for up to four generations, and in some other Palestinian families, there is no one left until the amount of killing by the Zionist invaders. to report Many families in the Gaza Strip have not yet been able to identify and collect all their martyred members because many of them are still under the rubble of bombed houses. All these crimes committed by America and the Zionist regime, who live in illusion, do not hide the obvious truth of Palestine; Palestine has been and will remain Palestine for a long time, and the Zionist occupiers will be destroyed in the end.

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Al-Maqreeb al-Iraqi newspaper wrote in a report: After the name of one of the Iraqi resistance groups was included in the US terrorist list, the Iraqi Hezbollah brigades announced that the consent of the Americans is a measure of deviance. This country is proud of the path of resistance and anger. Hezbollah battalions congratulated the Ansarullah Al-Awfia movement on the US list and emphasized that Washington will never be able to implement its evil projects by remaining in Iraq and the region.

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Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper wrote about the Zionist regime: The savagery of the Zionists in the Gaza Strip has created a wide wave of solidarity among the Westerners with the victims of this aggression. The foundation of this crime goes back to the past decades and the place where the Zionist regime was formed in Palestine. This wave of solidarity in Western countries is different from past wars and former massacres such as Tel Aviv’s attack on Lebanese soil.

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Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper wrote about Biden: In the current situation, the question arises why Biden does not apply the necessary pressure on Tel Aviv to stop the war in the past 9 years? Biden’s position towards Tel Aviv is not only a political position but also a strategic one. Aaron Miller, who has worked in the US State Department for many years, has emphasized that Biden has a great spiritual commitment to Zionist ideas. Another reason is the US Congress, which rejects any sanctions against Tel Aviv, and the last reason is the US presidential election. Biden thinks that confronting Tel Aviv’s actions will be costly for him.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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