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Martyrdom is salvation and victory

Secretary General of Lebanon's Hezbollah said at the commemoration ceremony of Talib Sami Abdullah, one of the late commanders of Lebanon's Hezbollah, who was martyred last week in an attack by the Zionist regime: Martyrdom is not defeat or death.

report Mehr News Agency quoted Ahed, the speech of “Syed Hasan Nasrallah”, the Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, at the memorial ceremony of the martyr “Talib Sami Abdullah”, one of the late commanders of Hezbollah in Lebanon, who was killed in the attack of the Zionist regime on Wednesday last week. The town of “Joya” in the south of Lebanon was martyred, it started moments ago.

At the beginning of his speech, the Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah congratulated and condoled the families of the martyrs of today and the past weeks of the Islamic resistance and asked the Almighty God to grant these martyrs great mercy. God put it.

Nasrullah continued: I congratulate the family of martyr Abu Talib for obtaining this divine medal and for the loss of this martyr and martyrs who were companions of Hajj Abu Talib and accompanied him. I offer my condolences for their martyrdom.

He added: Martyrdom in the Islamic sense is a choice from God, a great salvation and a definite victory for every person who achieves it. The position of the families of the martyrs is honorable in terms of satisfaction and declaration of will and determination to continue the killings.

Nasrullah continued: Martyrdom is not failure and death. This issue is the strength of the resistance fronts and the most dangerous thing that the enemy faces is that the warriors of these fields have such culture, thought and faith. The atmosphere of resistance of this culture has faith and patience, and because of this, the flag does not fall from our hands and weakness or weakness does not penetrate among us.



© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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