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Nasrallah has not responded to Tel Aviv’s threats

Shortly after the end of the speech of the Secretary General of Lebanon's Hezbollah, the media of the Zionist regime reacted to it and spoke of witnessing one of Nasrallah's strongest speeches.

report Mehr News Agency quoted Al-Mayadin, with the end of the speech of “Seyd Hassan Nasrallah”, the Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, the reaction of the media of the Zionist regime to this speech began.

The media of the Zionist regime named Seyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speech today as one of his strongest speeches.

These media emphasized: Nasrallah is determined to continue the current battle for Gaza until a ceasefire is achieved and has not given in to the threats of Tel Aviv and mediators.

Also, the media of the Zionist regime admitted: the army is not ready for any scenario in Gaza or Lebanon.

Kan TV network of the Zionist regime also paid attention to the threat to Cyprus by the Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah and stated that this issue indicates Seyed Hassan Nasrallah’s understanding of the current situation.

In this speech, while honoring the memory of this noble martyr, Nasrallah explained the achievements of the South Lebanon Front. Also, in his speech, while pointing to the capabilities of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, he warned the Zionist enemy and its supporters against any adventure and imposing war on Lebanon.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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