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Hamas: Hunger threatens the lives of thousands of children in Gaza

Referring to the fact that 40 children in Gaza have died due to hunger and thirst, a Hamas leader announced that in the shadow of the occupation's heinous crimes, the people of Gaza are in the midst of a real tragedy, and the international community must take immediate action to stop this process. do it.
– International News

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, following Intensification and spread of famine throughout Gaza in the shadow of the occupying regime’s brutal attacks on this area and the heavy siege it has imposed against it, the Palestinian Hamas movement has warned about the death of 3,500 children in Gaza due to severe malnutrition and lack of food supplements and vaccines.

Ezzat al-Rashq, one of the senior leaders of the Hamas movement, announced in a statement: Famine in the Gaza Strip has killed 40 children so far, and 3,500 children have died due to malnutrition. and the lack of access to food supplements and vaccines, in the shadow of the heavy siege of the Zionist regime against Gaza, they face the risk of death.

He stated: while Muslims throughout The world is celebrating Eid al-Adha, our people in the Gaza Strip are experiencing a real tragedy in the midst of terrible hunger and thirst and the massacres that the Nazi occupation army has launched against them.

This Hamas leader added: The residents of the Gaza Strip have been exposed to bombings and destruction of their homes for 9 months, and they have been living under continuous siege for more than 17 years.

He asked the international community and the Islamic world to take serious action to provide humanitarian support to the people of Gaza who are living in the most terrible conditions possible.

In the shadow The continuation of the heavy siege that the occupying regime and its supporters have imposed on the Gaza Strip, at the same time as this regime’s brutal attacks on this region, international warnings about the catastrophe of death due to hunger in Gaza continue.

According to the report of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 9 out of 10 children in Gaza suffer from severe malnutrition. In addition, the crimes committed by the Zionist army against children in the Gaza Strip are indescribable and these children are suffering from severe physical and mental injuries as a result of the aggression of the Zionist regime.

Statistics of the Ministry of Health of Palestine in Gaza indicate that since the beginning of the aggression of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip, according to the official statistics recorded in the hospitals, nearly 40 children have died due to malnutrition. have lost In addition, a large number of children died due to hunger, whose statistics have not been recorded; Because the families of these children have not been able to take their children to hospitals due to the enemy’s siege and heavy bombings against different areas of Gaza.

UNICEF: Gaza war is a war against children
The shocking situation of Gaza children who have become skeletons

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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