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The miracle of Nasrallah’s “Hodhod”.

A well-known Palestinian analyst, after examining the strategic dimensions and the importance of Hizbullah's advanced operations in capturing the sensitive positions of the occupiers in the north of the occupied Palestine, emphasized that after this, the Zionist leaders will not even have the courage to verbally threaten Lebanon.
– International News

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, “Abdul Bari In his new note, Atwan, the editor-in-chief of the regional newspaper Rai Al-Youm and a well-known Palestinian analyst, discussed the important operations of Hezbollah in photographing the sensitive and vital positions of the Zionist regime in Haifa, located in the north of occupied Palestine, and wrote: Hezbollah in an unprecedented military development on Tuesday. announced the destruction of the Merkava tank of the Zionist army by a suicide drone in the military position of “Hadab Yarin” of the occupying regime in Galilee. But the situation reached its peak when Hezbollah announced that its reconnaissance drone had penetrated all the radars and monitoring stations of the Zionist regime and collected detailed images of the occupiers’ sensitive positions in the north of occupied Palestine, including airports, weapon depots, missile platforms and the port of Haifa.

The dimensions and importance of Hizbollah’s Hodhud operation

Atwan added : This Hezbollah operation is considered a fatal military blow to the Zionist regime, and the Hodod drone will enter military history. This event is very important for several reasons, and here we are specifically talking about Hezbollah’s drone operations:

– First of all, we must note that these operations It was done at the same time with the arrival of “Amos Hockstein” the American envoy to Beirut in his periodic trip that started from the occupied territories. This was a sudden and hasty trip and expressed America’s concern about the escalation of tensions on the borders of Lebanon and occupied Palestine. It is considered quantitative and qualitative on the part of Hezbollah in the battle with the Zionist enemy, which began on October 8, 2023. It is true that Hezbollah has not specified the details of this drone, but it is clear that it is an advanced and very accurate type of drone.

– It is clear what is happening in the Gaza Strip. And the genocidal and brutal war of the occupying regime against this region, not only did not scare Hezbollah, but also had opposite results for the Zionists and revealed the fragility of the fake deterrence of the Zionist regime; So that after this, the Zionist leaders no longer dare to threaten to return Lebanon to the Stone Age and destroy Beirut, let alone carry out such a threat.

– The large and successive attacks that Hezbollah has carried out in recent days and weeks deep in the north of occupied Palestine show the severity of the Lebanese resistance’s response to the terrorist operations of the Zionist regime, the latest of which was the assassination of Hajj Abu Talib, the military commander of Hezbollah. /p>

– This precise operation of Hezbollah showed that the American pressure with the support of some internal Lebanese groups that are aligned with the provocations of the Zionist enemy to force Hezbollah to withdraw its forces to the north litany of the river, it has no results and Hezbollah officials will never give in to these pressures and no power in the world can force Hezbollah to leave parts of its land.

– If the firing of 5000 Katyusha rockets deep into occupied Palestine during the past 8 months has turned the north of the occupied lands into a mass of flames, then if the Lebanese resistance’s pinpoint missiles enter the field and 3000 rockets are fired daily from cities such as Haifa, Jaffa, Acre, What will happen if occupied Quds targets Ashdod, Saba and Dimona? Why did the American envoy come to Beirut on an emergency trip? This trip was in line with America’s desperate attempt to save the Zionist regime in northern occupied Palestine and diminish the failures of this regime in the Gaza Strip, the Northern Front and the three seas of the Arab, Red, Mediterranean and Indian Oceans.

This Palestinian analyst clarified: Hochstein’s words in the meeting with Najib Mikati, the Prime Minister of the interim government of Lebanon and Nabih Berri, the Speaker of the Parliament of this country, that “we are now in a difficult and sensitive situation and we need solutions “We are decisive to resolve the situation on the borders of Lebanon, and establishing a ceasefire in Gaza will reduce the conflict between Lebanon and Israel,” it was a clear acknowledgment of the connection between the south of Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. These statements also express America’s concern about the intensification of the conflict on two fronts, especially in the north of occupied Palestine, which will quickly turn into a full-scale war. Hockstein is a deceitful and lying person: I personally hope that the Lebanese authorities will not listen to the words of this cunning American envoy and the so-called decisive solutions that he talks about in Lebanon. Because Hockstein is a skilled liar and even in the case of drawing the maritime borders of Lebanon and occupied Palestine, he did not fulfill the false promises he made to the Lebanese.

The author This note added: Didn’t Hockstein and the American government promise the Lebanese people comfort, economic prosperity, and becoming an oil and gas producing country and maybe OPEC membership? We are now asking Hockstein and the American ambassador in Lebanon, did gas from Egypt and electricity from Jordan enter Lebanon? Very politely expel the American envoy, don’t talk to him and don’t listen to his words; Because he is in a position of weakness, but you are in a position of strength because of your resistance and steadfastness.

Hezbollah UAV images from the bank of targets in northern occupied Palestine
Intensification of criticism of the weakness of the Israeli army in destroying the Hezbollah drone
How does Hezbollah plunge the Zionists into absolute darkness?

end of message/


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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