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Golan “Hoddh” in the sky of occupied Palestine

In a statement, the Islamic Resistance of Lebanon recently revealed the successful flight of the Iranian UAV "Hodhod" or "Mohajer-4" over the occupied territories and taking pictures of the sensitive areas of the Zionist regime.

News Seal, Group International: Amos Hochstein’s successive trips to Lebanon-occupied Palestine and at the same time the approval of operational plans to attack Lebanon by the commanders of the Israeli army show the increased possibility The gates of hell are opening on the occupying regime of Quds.

While the Zionist authorities intend to create the necessary conditions for the start of the war under the pretext of the security situation in the northern territories, the flight of the “Hodood” drone towards the port city of Haifa and the image The accurate removal of this messenger from important military-civilian centers is a warning signal from the Lebanese resistance to the invaders. In other words, the flight of the resistance reconnaissance drone over the most important centers of Israel has the message for the occupiers that no point in the occupied territories will be safe from the Lebanese resistance’s rockets-drones. In this analytical report, we will try to evaluate the consequences of the penetration of the Lebanese resistance drone into the skies of the Zionist regime.

“Hodood” flight and a strategic blow to the Zionist regime

On Tuesday, June 18th, the Islamic Resistance of Lebanon released an official statement about the successful flight of the Iranian drone “Hodhud” or “Mohajer-4” over the sky of the occupied territories and taking photos of sensitive areas. The Zionist regime announced. According to “Al-Mayadeen” report, in addition to flying over military centers, this advanced drone has also taken photos and videos from sensitive security points. One of the masterpieces of “Hooded” during the penetration into the skies of the Zionist regime was the filming of the center affiliated with the “Rafael” military company. In the security protocols of the regime of Israeli public-private companies, the media and the press are not allowed to publish aerial-environmental images of sensitive military centers without the approval of the government. After this great defeat, the Zionist regime’s army announced in a ridiculous claim that the reason for not targeting the resistance drone was to throw its destroyed parts in residential areas! This is while the Zionist defense system could have targeted the “Hooded” over the sky of the Mediterranean Sea, but it failed. Hizbollah’s military-intelligence victory received a special reflection a little later during the historical speech of “Sayyid Tasat”.

Sayed Resist’s warning about starting any massive aggression against Lebanon

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of the Islamic Resistance of Lebanon, at the memorial of the martyrs of Tariq al-Quds, referring to the drone operation of the resistance in the skies of Haifa, said: “Some enemies say that Hezbollah has spies in Haifa than what get it in the movies, but what will they say when the resistance later releases parts 2, 3, and 4? “We have a lot of information, and what we released yesterday is a small part of the many hours that were filmed in Haifa.” The recent speech of the top leadership of Hezbollah can be seen as a form of end of argument with the invaders and a warning about the counter-response of the resistance. The fact is that if the heads of the Zionist regime intend to start a new adventure in the northern front, they must first know that Hezbollah has a comprehensive bank of military-strategic goals and can effectively change the field equations at any moment. /p>

Inability of the spider regime compared to the power of resistance

The ineffectiveness of Israel’s radar-defense systems and at the same time the effective confrontation of the Lebanese resistance with the invading drones shows the change in the war equation between Hezbollah and the Zionist regime. While the drone units of the Lebanese resistance managed to target the “Hermes-450” and “Hermes-900” drones more than 4 times; But Israel’s multi-layered defense system has not been able to deal seriously with resistance drones. In addition to changing the balance in favor of Hezbollah, such an event will decrease the interest of foreign customers towards the UAVs manufactured by Elbit System and will seriously affect the Israeli arms market. Some military experts consider the “Hoddh” imaging of the “Iron Dome” and “Flakhan Dawood” defense systems to be the peak of the Israeli army’s intelligence failure in the last 268 days. Before this, the Lebanese resistance had managed to target the defense system of the Zionist regime in the northern territories by means of “diamond” missiles.

Before Hezbollah’s drone operation, many analysts were talking about Hezbollah’s missile arsenal, which can challenge the defense systems of the Zionist regime and inflict serious blows on Israel’s military structures; Today, however, the “Karar”, “Morsad” and “Hodhed” drones showed that the Zionists should be ready for the nightmare of targeted attacks by resistance drones on their strategic centers and forces.

In this regard, Abdulbari Atwan, a leading analyst of the Arab world, listed six achievements of Hezbollah’s reconnaissance operation in the skies of occupied Palestine. The first message of this operation is to send a warning message to Tel Aviv at the same time as Amos Hochstein’s trip to the occupied territories. Another message of this operation is to show the level of resistance and the fragility of Israel’s defense system. Expanding the scope of the response to the assassination of Hezbollah field commanders was the message of the “Hodhod” flight over Haifa. Atwan’s key question regarding the future of the conflict between Lebanon and the Zionist regime is that if the firing of 5,000 rockets in 8 months will turn occupied northern Palestine into an uninhabited area, what will happen if 3,000 rockets are fired daily? /p>

The benefit of speech

The most important message of the “Hodhod” flight over Haifa was to send this signal to the Israeli war cabinet that if Lebanon’s Hezbollah wants to, it can easily attack military and strategic centers of the Zionist regime, such as military bases. , to target frigates, oil tanks, power plants, airport and port by means of point missiles and suicide drones. If the leaders of the Zionist regime intend to open a new front in the north of the occupied territories, they should first look at the images recorded by the Hezbollah drone and evaluate the risks of such an information failure. In other words, Hezbollah’s recent action showed that this Lebanese group has a bank of military-civilian targets in the north of the occupied territories, which it can quickly target as soon as the war begins. American officials announced that the Zionist regime might start a limited war with the aim of pushing back Hezbollah forces to the south of the Litani River. Further, this source claimed that Washington-Tel Aviv set a five-week deadline for Hezbollah to withdraw from southern Lebanon. If this is not achieved, Israel will attack Lebanon with the support of America. Political-military developments in the coming days and weeks will show whether Tel Aviv will accept the risk of attacking Lebanon or will try to move towards a ceasefire option by resorting to mediation channels.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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