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Reread Nasrallah’s threatening messages for Israel and its supporters

Yesterday's speech by the Secretary General of Hezbollah was different from his previous speeches during the Battle of al-Aqsa and had several important warning messages for the Zionist regime and its allies.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, the speech of the day The past of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah, in the commemoration ceremony of Haj Abu Talib, the commander of the martyred Hezbollah and his comrades, mostly contained threatening messages for the Zionist regime and its supporters.

Warnings of the Secretary General of Hezbollah to the occupiers

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah in his speech, which was shortly after the release of the pictures of the sensitive positions of the occupiers in northern Palestine The occupation was carried out by Hizbullah’s “Hoddh” drone, he announced that the Zionists know that no place in occupied Palestine is safe from the missiles and drones of the Lebanese resistance, and that the resistance has a bank of real and big targets in the depth of the occupied territories, which can attack all of them.

The Secretary General of Hezbollah, emphasizing that the Lebanese resistance is ready for all scenarios, pointed to the occupiers’ fear of the possibility of the resistance forces entering the Galilee and announced: if In broad opposition, this option is on the table. Also, the Zionist enemy knows very well what awaits him in the Mediterranean Sea; Where all the coasts of the occupied Palestine and the ships of the Zionist regime will be targeted.

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah also warned Cyprus about cooperating with the Zionist regime against Lebanon in this speech. And he said: I will say just one word to Cyprus, that the government of Cyprus should refrain from opening its airports to the Zionist regime to attack Lebanon; Because such an action means that Cyprus is part of the war and we will deal with this country accordingly. Nicos Christodoulides, the President of Cyprus, after Seyed Hassan Nasrallah’s warning, said: We do not participate in any conflict and we are not on anyone’s side, we are part of the solution, not the problem.

3 main points of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speech

On this basis, “Hisham Jaber”, a retired brigadier general of the Lebanese army and an analyst of the military and political issues of the region, in rereading Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah’s words pointed out three main points:

– The first point is related to the Mediterranean Sea, which Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah mentioned if Israel seeks a large-scale war with Lebanon. This battle will be very difficult for the Zionists. Hezbollah has missiles that can destroy the oil and gas platforms of the Zionist regime and target all the ships and marine facilities of this regime.

– Second point. It was related to Hizbullah’s Secretary General’s frank talks about the military power and weapons of the resistance; In less than an hour, Hezbollah was able to carry out large-scale missile and drone attacks against the Zionist regime, and the bank has many targets deep in occupied Palestine. In addition, Hezbollah has tens of thousands of troops, all of whom are ready to enter the battle.

– The third point is related to the threats of the Secretary General of Hezbollah against Cyprus; where Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah pointed to the joint military maneuvers of Cyprus and the Zionist regime and emphasized: if Israeli planes take off from Cyprus and Cyprus participates in any aggression against Lebanon, the resistance will consider Cyprus as part of the war and accordingly It collides. Also, Hezbollah’s missiles and drones can reach Cyprus; Because Cyprus is not far from Eilat.

This retired Lebanese army brigadier continued his analysis and said: Zionists are definitely carefully examining Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speech. It is special that the Secretary General of Hezbollah was talking about the whole of Lebanon, not just its resistance.

He added: Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah wanted to send the message that Hezbollah is not looking for war. But if a war is imposed on it, it will stand against the enemy with all its might and will not allow the Zionist regime to achieve the goals it has failed to achieve so far.

This regional strategic affairs analyst also said about the impact of the Secretary General of Hezbollah’s speech on the public opinion of the Zionists: these words of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah will definitely have a great impact on the public opinion of the Israelis. In particular, his speech was made one day after the publication of clear pictures of the sensitive positions of the Zionist regime in Haifa, and it showed that Hezbollah Bank knows its goals in occupied Palestine very well. Hizbullah’s Hoddh UAV operation inside Haifa, while flying at a low altitude and starting to photograph the positions of the Israelis, has caused a lot of concern among them.

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah responded to all Israel’s threats

“Gasem Qusayr”, another political analyst of regional affairs, also believes that Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah He responded to all the threats of the Zionist authorities against Lebanon. The Secretary General of Hezbollah emphasized the readiness of the Lebanese resistance for any war that Israel imposes on Lebanon. It is that Nasrallah clearly and publicly threatened Cyprus that if it participates in any battle against Lebanon, Cyprus will be among the targets of the resistance.

This political analyst of affairs The region clarified: Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah’s words were also a response to the US envoy in Beirut, stating that if the US seeks to calm down the south of Lebanon, it must first stop the war in Gaza. Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah also spoke clearly about the power of resistance and its weapons capability and for the first time used expressions that showed that the battle with the Zionist enemy will be on land, sea and air.

He described the words of the Secretary General of Hezbollah yesterday in the framework of the resistance deterrence equation and emphasized: Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah has a practical example for every sentence he used, the clear example of which is the operation of the Hezbollah drone in Haifa. It was.

The aforementioned regional affairs analyst clarified: These words of the Secretary General of Hezbollah generally had a clear and decisive message for Israel, and unlike the threats of the Zionists, which are empty and empty. Hezbollah and its leadership have proven that they do not make any threats in vain, and this issue has caused a great wave of worry and anxiety in Zionist circles.

Cyprus President’s horror after Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah’s threat
Sayed Hassan Nasrallah: We are ready for all scenarios
Zionist official: Nasrallah rules Israel’s northern front

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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