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Ansarullah: Yemen’s anti-Zionist operation will expand

A senior official of Ansarullah, pointing to the Yemenis' commitment to support Gaza, emphasized that the Yemenis' anti-Zionist operations will continue with greater intensity in the fourth phase.

reported by Mehr News Agency quoted by Al Jazeera, “Nasreddin Amer”, the deputy head of the information department of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, in a speech about the fourth stage of the operations of the Yemeni armed forces against the Zionist enemy, announced: Yemenis are in the fourth stage of their military operations against ships which go to or come from the ports of occupied Palestine, will extend their operations to the Mediterranean Sea.

Nasreddin Amer emphasized in a conversation with Al Jazeera: We have missiles whose range reaches the Mediterranean Sea.

This Ansarullah official further pointed to the coordination and joint operations of the Yemeni armed forces with the Islamic resistance of Iraq and announced: With the escalation of Zionist aggression against the people of Gaza and especially the heinous crimes committed by the occupiers against the refugees in Rafah camp and other areas, the Yemeni armed forces have increased the intensity and speed of their operations.

He added: In the shadow of the intensification of the blockade of Gaza and the return of famine throughout this region, the Yemeni armed forces are intensifying their operations against the invaders.

The official of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement said about the country’s operations against ships that move towards the ports of occupied Palestine: We will first officially warn the companies that own these ships via e-mail. Do not go to the ports of occupied Palestine and do not provide services to the occupying regime; Otherwise, they will face Yemen’s response and be targeted.

Amer emphasized: Targeting these ships is a practical measure to support the people of Gaza and to prevent goods from reaching the Zionist regime. With these operations, Yemen seeks to put pressure on the occupiers to stop their aggression against the people of Gaza. What all the people of the world want.

Nasreddin Amer said about the intervention of different parties as a mediator to stop the operations in Yemen: the work has passed these words. Various parties tried to stop our operations with threats and temptations but failed. Enemies started direct aggression and intensified economic pressure against Yemen, but none of this can change Yemen’s position in supporting the Palestinian people.

He continued: Until the war in Gaza is completely stopped and the siege of this area is completely ended, operations in Yemen will continue. Yemenis are ready to pay the price of their honorable position in support of the Palestinian people. This position adopted by Yemen is a noble human and moral action.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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