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Hamas’s reaction to the accusations of the Prosecutor General of the Hague Court

In response to the accusations of the Prosecutor General of the Hague Tribunal, the Hamas movement announced: We will respond to these baseless accusations by preparing a comprehensive legal memorandum.
– International News

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, citing the Palestine Information Center, the Attorney General of the Court Today, Thursday, May 20, 2024, the International Criminal Court issued a statement asking the preliminary court of this institution to issue an arrest warrant for the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Yoav Galant, along with 3 prominent leaders of the Islamic resistance movement, Hamas. which include Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political office of this movement, Yahya Sanwar, the head of the Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip, and Mohammad Zaif, the commander of the military branch of this movement, on charges of committing war crimes. By issuing a statement, a copy of which was provided to the Palestinian Information Center, Hamas announced that in response to this statement by the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court, it intends to prepare a comprehensive legal memorandum in order to provide answers to all these baseless accusations.

This movement emphasized:

First: the statement of the Attorney General was full of fallacies and mistakes and favoring the Zionist occupation regime, which in addition to the crimes of the Zionist army and The attacks of the Zionist settlers in the West Bank and the occupied city of Quds are committing genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Second: The Attorney General expressed his sympathy for the killed Israelis and their families. and even met them in the Zionist settlements and listened to their words, but did not express any sympathy with our nation, which is still exposed to genocide, siege and the policy of imposing hunger, and so far more than 120 thousand Palestinian citizens martyred or injured and more than 70% of the buildings and institutions in the Gaza Strip were destroyed and the health and education sectors were specially targeted. The idea that the Zionist regime has the right to defend itself like other countries is wrong; Because he has ignored the great crime from which all these pains and sufferings originate, which is the occupation, which is considered a crime according to international customs and laws.

Here we need to emphasize once again that this right; Rather, it is the duty of our nation to use all possible means; including armed resistance against the occupiers, and this is an issue recognized by international law, but the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court has ignored it. Fourth: The Prosecutor General also It is wrong to consider October 7 as the date of the beginning of the conflict; Because he has ignored more than 76 years of occupation and crimes against the Palestinian nation, and we would like to remind Mr. Attorney General that the occupation regime of Jerusalem has put the Gaza Strip under a deadly siege since 2006.

The Zionist regime has also launched 4 devastating wars against the Palestinian nation in the Gaza Strip in the past years, and that is why the Secretary General of the United Nations declared: “Certainly, the events of October 7 did not happen for no reason.” /p>

In this regard, we emphasize that the Attorney General got his information about the events of October 7th from Zionist deviant media sources that do not even adhere to the minimum level of professional principles and honesty.

Fifth: The Attorney General has believed the claims of the Zionist regime that there is a pre-planned plan for targeted sexual assaults, and this is despite the fact that this regime has not provided evidence for even one of these claims, and the worrying issue of this The Prosecutor General has repeated these accusations and attributed them to the leaders of the Hamas movement, and in addition, he has repeated the claims of the Zionist regime in the context of accusations related to torture and genocide, etc.

Sixth: partiality The Attorney General is seen in a scandalous way; Because he made accusations against the head of the political bureau of Hamas, who is a political figure residing outside of Gaza, and demanded the issuance of a warrant for his arrest, and this is despite the fact that this leader of Hamas, like our entire nation, has paid a heavy price and the regime The Zionist occupier and criminal have targeted and martyred his sons and grandsons. But on the other hand, the Attorney General has not brought any charges against the Chief of Staff of the “Israeli” Army, who orders all the operations of killing and destruction and genocide and has been seen many times in the battlefields.

At the end, Hamas declares by emphasizing its adherence to international laws despite the Zionist occupation regime’s disobedience to them and international resolutions and contempt for the international judicial body and its rulings and accusing this body of bias and anti-Semitism. who will fight for the realization of justice and the victory of the Palestinian nation, and the Attorney General and the International Criminal Court are exposed to a historical test to prove their true role, and the world needs true equality and true justice, far from domination, influence, and coercion.

The first resolution of the US House of Representatives against the Hague Tribunal

Biden: We do not recognize the Hague Tribunal
Israeli crime in Gaza and Rafah; Why are the judgments of the Hague Court not implemented?

end of message/


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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