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New rumors about Fethullah Gulen in America?

Fethullah Gulen's letter to Joe Biden, on the eve of the presidential election in Washington, can affect the relations between Turkey and the United States.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, for some time in Turkey, Once again, all the media in this country are talking about Fethullah Gulen. The same fugitive and American Turkish cleric who used to be one of Erdoğan’s powerful mentors and supporters, but now he has become his number one enemy. July 2016 was executed by his order, he suddenly disappeared in the US state of Pennsylvania and this issue became a big news bomb.

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One ​​of Gulen’s nephews named Abu Salma, in The X social network announced that Gulen was dead and his body was buried in the dark, but very soon, the family announced that Abu Salma was mentally unstable and no one should listen to his words.

Abusalma Gulen quickly retracted his words and announced in a new video that Fethullah Gulen was kidnapped in Pennsylvania by Judet Turk Yulu. , is one of the trained clerics of the Gulen circle, who has made a fortune in real estate transactions in America for many years, and after marrying Gulen’s niece, he has gained a lot of influence and power.

This 45-year-old cleric wanted by Turkey has the black box of Gülen, and the Turkish Intelligence Service has been looking for him for years. But even in America, he travels like a ghost and no one has been able to find a trace of him. But now it is clear that the news of the kidnapping is not true and Judet is still one of Gulen’s important and trusted companions. Gülen’s disappearance in Pennsylvania

In the first days of Gülen’s disappearance, the media under the command of the Development Justice Party announced that the American CIA spy service had taken him from the state. Pennsylvania moved to another place and provided him with a secret base, and it is not unlikely that he will launch a coup against Erdogan again.

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Reporting on Gülen, he went to his huge villa in Pennsylvania to produce documentary films and reports. But two of Gulen’s relatives attacked him and beat him.

But the next reporter went to this area with security measures. The reporter of Turkey’s Anatolia news agency in America, using a drone, started filming the several hectares of Gülen’s villa and the small palace where he and his students lived since 1999. But very soon he realized that the entire palace and its surrounding fields were abandoned and so-called birds do not fly.

Turkey’s security authorities, who had previously repeatedly asked the American government to hand over Fethullah Gulen to Ankara. to give or send to a country in the African continent, they went to the CIA and demanded an explanation. But the Americans declared that such an issue is among the issues related to the privacy of people’s lives and cannot be explained.

A villa Hidden in the heart of Kajastan

The media close to Gulen finally exploded their new news bomb and announced that Gulen is not dead, not kidnapped, in the possession of the service It’s not the CIA and it’s resting. They published the following photo without any explanation and announced that Khawaja Effendi is resting in good health.

Turkey’s death information service followed up the new photo and came to the conclusion that He has settled in the Pocono area, which is one of the quietest areas in the heart of a large and remote Kajistan. com/Tasnim/Uploaded/Image/1403/04/01/140304011413558830355874.jpg”/>

Pocono Mountains, a tourist area in Pennsylvania, and Gulen was able to go deep into this forested area and buy a new villa near the lake and entrust his security work to a specialized American company. It’s with Joe Biden

The day Fethullah Gülen’s followers failed in Turkey and their coup attempt to oust Erdogan failed, President Barack Obama was the president of the United States and Joe Biden was also sitting on the vice seat. Under Obama, they have helped Gulen.

Erdogan repeatedly asked Obama to hand over Gulen and close his schools and cultural centers in 8 American states, but Obama’s short answer was this These issues are within the jurisdiction of the Attorney General and we cannot interfere. 1403/04/01/1403040114143351030355884.jpg”/>

After Donald Trump came to power, White House experts also delivered the same previous sentence to Erdogan’s team. Ever since Joe Biden took power, he has basically not had a warm and close relationship with Erdogan. But now Fethullah Gülen himself entered the field and wrote a letter to Joe Biden to change the current situation. 

The letter contains the following content and features:

1. Gulen asked Biden to put pressure on Erdogan and his team and do something. that the members of Gulen’s training circle return to Turkey without fear of prison and arrest.

2. According to the information provided by security sources, this letter, in which some members of the American Congress also participated and, with the aim of influencing the relations between Turkey and the United States.

3. Gulen asked Biden to put pressure on Ankara and all the people accused of being involved in the coup were imprisoned and deported. and be released unconditionally and return to work.

4. In this letter, Gulen advised Biden to put pressure on Erdogan so that he accepts the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights. and release prisoners like Salaheddin Demirtas, Osman Kavala and Yuksel Yalchinkaya.

5. Some members of the American Congress are also supposed to sign Gulen’s letter and during Erdogan’s presence at the meeting The heads of NATO will be handed to Biden in July 2024.

Now it remains to be seen if Gulen’s efforts will be noticed by Biden’s team or if he prefers to accept Erdogan in the current situation and To ease his mind about the possibility of receiving 40 F-16 fighters.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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