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Netanyahu’s failure to pass the “Rabbi Law” bill

Netanyahu's failure to approve a bill in the Knesset Law and Justice Committee indicates that the coalition cabinet is splitting and the collapse of the cabinet has entered the countdown stage; Because the religious parties have announced that they will leave the coalition if this bill is not approved
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, the Likud party, led by “Benjamin Netanyahu”, first On Wednesday, the minister of the Zionist regime planned to send the bill known as “the law of the rabbis” – which in Hebrew is called the law of the rabbis – to the public floor of the Knesset. Knesset judiciary to vote. But with the opposition of three members of the cabinet coalition, “Netanyahu” had to suspend the voting for this bill.


Provisions of the “Rabbi Law” bill

The bill Known as the “Rabbi Law”, it transfers the appointment of local council rabbis from local authorities to the Ministry of Religious Services. The bill – introduced by two members of the ultra-religious Shas party – would create hundreds of new “local rabbi” positions and lead to 600 new appointments to local councils. The bill proposed by Simkha Rotman and Eretz Malol, two members of the ultra-religious Shas party, calls for the board that elects rabbis to be under the control of the Ministry of Religious Services. Also, the requirement to extend the 10-year period has been removed, which will allow rabbis to remain in their post until the age of 75.

In fact, the so-called bill “Rabbi’s law” has two focal points. First that the local rabbis – who were previously appointed in the local councils – should be placed under the authority of the cabinet. Second is to create about 600 new posts for religious rabbis. Posts that will be the means of gaining power for religious parties in the Zionist society and will increase their influence in the social arena. In addition, while this post will create a new financial burden for the cabinet, it will generate income for the rabbis who are not considered productive forces.


 Likud deadlock and suspension of the “Rabbi Law” bill  

When 3 members of the cabinet coalition announced their opposition to the approval of this bill, “Benjamin Netanyahu” had to With a tactical retreat, Shed suspended the mentioned bill. Likud can move the vote in the Law and Justice Committee in its favor by changing two opposition representatives, but when another member of the cabinet coalition from the “Ben Guer” party announced his opposition, the final vote in the open court faced a problem.

The cabinet coalition currently holds 64 Knesset seats. With the opposition of 3 members of the Knesset, if the other members of the cabinet coalition vote in favor of the said bill, Likud with the lowest vote will be able to approve this bill. Now, if only one member of the coalition abstains from the said bill or fails to attend the public court on the day of voting, then the said bill will not be approved in the first reading. In this case, the said bill will not be resubmitted for voting for another 6 months. Therefore, by withdrawing this bill, Netanyahu prevented it from reaching this stage.

New splits in the ranks of Netanyahu’s coalition

The opposition of two “Likud” members to a bill and the addition of a “Jewish Power” member to this opposition indicates new divisions in the cabinet coalition. The opposition of two “Likud” members is quite possible, because the “Rabbi’s Law” bill was made in line with the goals of religious parties and expanding their social influence, and it is natural that non-religious and secular “Likud” party members oppose it. But the opposition of a member of the radical religious party “Jewish Power” to this bill shows that the differences between the religious parties in the cabinet will also face “Netanyahu” with new problems.

This dispute can lead to new blackmails from “Ben Guer”, the leader of the “Jewish Power” party, or even from other religious parties. But what is certain is the disagreement that has caused a new split in the cabinet coalition, and this same difference and split in the middle of the war can cause the collapse of the cabinet. A problem that was also expressed by the leader of the extremist religious party Shas. “Aryeh Derai” has described the collapse of the cabinet coalition as a definite thing that only needs time. On Monday, he threatened to dissolve the cabinet by leaving the coalition if the “Rabbi Law” bill is not approved.

“The ring of properties”; Netanyahu’s solution after the dissolution of the war cabinet dissolved

It is the second time in the last month that religious extremist parties are trying to pass a bill by threatening to withdraw from the cabinet coalition. Last time, religious parties, with the same trick, tried to cancel the bill to reduce the compulsory military age of the Haredi. The threat that caused, as a result, “Netanyahu” will not be able to approve the bill to increase the retirement age of the reserve forces. It is that in this process of threats and approval, one of the two sides will not tolerate the conditions and the result will be the collapse of the cabinet and early elections in the midst of war. It is not an issue that “Netanyahu” wanted; Because it will end his political life and the consequences will be heavier for him than anyone else in the Zionist regime.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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