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Analyzing Canada’s illegal embargo against the IRGC; Ottawa’s game against Tel Aviv

The inclusion of the name of the Revolutionary Guards anti-terrorist organization in the Canadian government's blacklist shows the double standard of Westerners in the fight against terrorism and their public support for the growth of extremism in the West Asian region.

News Seal, Group International: The effective role of the Revolutionary Guards in the fight against terrorist groups active in Iraq and Syria caused the Western countries led by the United States to increase the pressure of sanctions against this revolutionary institution. Trump’s neo-conservative government put a part of Iran’s armed forces on the list of “foreign terrorist groups” which, according to Iraqi and Syrian leaders, if it were not for the Revolutionary Guards, terrorism span style=”text-align:justify”>Daesh occupied Baghdad and Damascus and established the Islamic caliphate in the heart of the Arab Middle East. Now the Canadian government in agreement with the governments and groups of opponents in the West has decided to change the name of this institution. Put Revolution on the list of terrorist groups in Ottawa. Of course, some analysts believe that according to the November-October 2022 sanctions laws against the Revolutionary Guards, the Canadian government has practically not taken any new action, and with this political action, it only intended to affect the electoral atmosphere inside Iran before the 14th presidential election. span style=”text-align:justify”>make an impact. In the continuation of this text, we will try to analyze the goals of Canada’s illegal action against the IRGC. “color:#000080″> Corps Guardsmen; Wrong Big Ottawa

June 19, 2024 Dominic LeBlanc “Minister of Public Security” announced by reading an official statement that the Canadian government has included the name of the Revolutionary Guards in the list of terrorist organizations and that it is necessary to deal with individuals or institutions affiliated with this Iranian organization from now on. span style=”text-align:justify”>Already The official website of the Canadian government has required Canadian banks and financial institutions to immediately freeze assets related to the Revolutionary Guards. After the official announcement of this news, Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly asked the citizens of this country to refrain from traveling to Iran. In response to this act of Zadairani, Nasser Kanani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, called the inclusion of the Revolutionary Guards in the list of terrorist groups an “irrational” and “unconventional” action. And he described it with “political motives”. Israel Kats Foreign Minister of the Zionist regime also criticized the recent action of the Canadian government in enmity with the Revolutionary Guards. He praised and demanded the continuation of this process in other western countries! Before Justin Trudeau‘s cabinet, in June 2019, he included members of the resistance front, Hezbollah and Hamas, in his list of terrorist groups, and recently, the names of the Saraya groups Alashtar, Harakah Al Sabrin and Lashkar Fatemiyoun was also added to this list. /span> fight with terrorism

After Iran and Canada cut ties in 2012, the two countries experienced ups and downs in bilateral and multilateral relations. After the signing of the JCPOA agreement between Iran and the world powers, these relations turned towards “reducing tension” and after Trump’s effectiveness in Washington and street riots in Tehran under the pretext of hijab. Tehran-Ottawa relations began to turn dark. For example, in November 2022, the government of Canada banned the entry of senior IRGC officials into this country under the pretext of “violating human rights” and supporting the Iranian diaspora (subversive opposition). Announced. A little later, in October 2022, Canada imposed 18 new sanctions against Iran, based on 200 Iranian people and 250 Iranian entities (including the IRGC Quds Force) on the blacklist. were placed in the western country. The set of these measures caused Canada to take the most political action after the United States against the IRGC, a revolutionary institution that has played the biggest role in fighting terrorism and drying its roots in the Middle East.

half look Westerners to 8th of July

The project of naming the Corps Pasdaran, as the largest anti-terrorism organization in the world, entered a new phase in the list of terrorist groups in Western countries on April 15, 2019. After the hostile action of the Trump administration to put the name of one of the military institutions of the Iranian government on the “F.T.O” list; The Zionist regime and the lobby of the conservative Sunni countries tried to pursue the “operationalization” of this project in the European Union, England and Canada by hiring opposition groups such as the royalists and the group of hypocrites. The peak of this anti-war show can be seen during the street riots and the united voice of the enemies of Iran’s national security to put the name of the Revolutionary Guards on the blacklist of other western countries. It is necessary to mention that after completing the prisoner exchange process between Iran, Sweden and Belgium; The westerners’ “abuse” of the foreign opposition to intensify the pressure on Tehran and finally gain more points in the final agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran has become a reliable “truth”.

action with goal color:#000080″> influence on the election!

The Canadian government’s illegal act of putting the name of the Revolutionary Guards in its list of terrorist groups, in a situation where there is only one week left until the early presidential elections in Iran, creates many questions and ambiguities for outside observers. Some analysts believe that such an action could be aimed at influencing Iran’s “grey society” and inviting them to boycott the elections. In other words, by siding with Tel Aviv and the subversive opposition, Ottawa intends to take a new step towards deepening the gap between the government and the people of Iran. Another group, but referring to events such as the issuance of the Anti-Zadairani resolution of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Troika letter. Europeans to the Security Council, with the aim of enumerating the JCPOA violations by Iran (!), demand the creation of a “sanctions opponent/sanctions supporter” dichotomy within Iran’s political sphere in order to strengthen the votes of candidates in favor of negotiations with the West. .

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The countries of the “Euro-Atlantic” area during the “New Cold War” intend to become independent countries and non-western under their sanctions system under various pretexts and enter into geopolitical tension with them in the medium term. The inclusion of the name of the Revolutionary Guards anti-terrorist organization in the black list of the Canadian government shows the double standard of the Westerners in the “fight against terrorism” and their public support for the growth of extremism in the West Asian region. Brahmin The basis of the country’s “diplomatic” apparatus can, while pursuing the legal action of this illegal action in international forums, sanction the list of Canadian organizations, companies and individuals; especially the armed forces of this country should be prepared and presented to the competent institutions.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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