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Netanyahu’s claims about the future of the Gaza Strip after the war

The Prime Minister of the Zionist regime said that the international community can start the reconstruction of the strip only if the Gaza Strip is completely disarmed and a civilian government is established there.

According to Mehr News Agency to Quoting from Al Jazeera, the Hebrew newspaper Yediot Aharonot echoed the claims of Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of the Zionist regime, about the post-war phase of Gaza.

According to the report of this newspaper, Netanyahu said about his assessment of the post-war phase in the Gaza Strip: The Gaza Strip must be permanently disarmed.

Netanyahu added: There should be a civilian government in the Strip, and its role is not only to distribute aid to the residents of the Gaza Strip. The preference is for the civilian government in the Gaza Strip to have the help of the Arab countries.

He also forgot his terrorist actions against the Palestinian nation and claimed: an anti-extremism operation should be carried out in Gaza and this process should start from schools and mosques.

Continuing his claims, Netanyahu said: The people in the Gaza Strip should be educated about a future in which the destruction of the State of Israel and the killing of all the Jews on earth have no place.

The Prime Minister of the Zionist regime claimed that only after completing all these steps, the international community can start reconstruction in the Gaza Strip.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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