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Bombardment of the Gaza Strip and drone attacks against civilians

The continuation of ground and air attacks by the Zionist regime against the Gaza Strip and the increase in the escape of Zionists from the occupied territories are the latest news related to Palestine.

Mehr News Agency, International Group: Simultaneously with the escalation of the Zionist regime’s attacks against the Gaza Strip after more than eight months, the Zionists believe that there is no complete victory against Hamas.

UAV and artillery attacks The Zionist regime against Gaza

Al-Mayadeen network reporter stressed that the bombing of Mosabh area located in the north of Rafah has left several martyrs and wounded in the south of the Gaza Strip.

In addition, the drone attacks of the Zionist regime against civilians in the north of the city Rafah left several martyrs and wounded.

Also, the local media reports about the occurrence of heavy clashes and artillery attacks near the Al-Halal and Qashta neighborhood located in the south of Rafah announced.

These media added that from the axis of Tal al-Sultan neighborhood located in the west of the city Rafah The sound of widespread shootings has been heard.

Al Jazeera network reporter also reported that the Zionist military occupied houses in the center of Rafah city and west They razed it to the ground.

بمباران نوار غزه و حملات پهپادی علیه غیرنظامیان

The destruction of more than 76% of schools in the Gaza Strip

On the other hand, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) compared He warned about the disastrous situation of schools in the Gaza Strip.

According to the Al Jazeera network, An Rua emphasized that 76% of schools in the Gaza Strip were damaged by the attacks of the Zionist regime.

The report of this international international agency states that 76% of these schools need to be renovated for They need to be reused.

UNRWA stated that education is considered one of the basic human rights and it should be A ceasefire should be declared in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible.

Zionists prefer to flee from the occupied territories

At the same time, an English-language newspaper announced the intensification of reverse migration from the occupied territories.

According to Al-Mayadeen network, the English newspaper Guardian quoted a Zionist businessman in occupied Haifa and wrote that some of his old customers prefer to leave the occupied territories.

This Zionist businessman added that the Zionists living in the occupied territories prefer to leave the occupied territories with their families due to the pressure caused by the current war in this region. .

Before this, the media of the Zionist regime reported an unprecedented increase in the requests of the residents of the Zionist settlement to receive citizenships. Foreigners had admitted.

These media reported that they witnessed an unprecedented increase in requests from German Zionists to obtain German citizenship.

This action of the Zionists living in the occupied lands is done in the shadow of the insecurity of this area for them, with the aim of migrating to other countries.

بمباران نوار غزه و حملات پهپادی علیه غیرنظامیان

In the context of intensifying the process of reverse migration from occupied Palestine, parallel to the continuation of the war and the lack of feeling of security among the Zionists, the Hebrew website “Time of Israel” announced in a report. that the number of Zionists who have left occupied Palestine since October 7 2023 has reached more than 470 thousand people.

According to this report, among the groups that have left occupied Palestine since October 7th and do not intend to return to it, the Zionist youth can be seen that the army Tel Aviv had summoned them to participate in the war in Gaza, but they chose to flee. /p>

Most Zionists do not believe in a complete victory against Hamas

On the other hand, a Zionist network announced the results of a poll conducted in the occupied territories regarding the realization of a complete victory against Hamas.

According to the report of Al Jazeera, quoted by Channel 12 of the Zionist regime, the results of the latest survey conducted in the occupied territories indicate that the majority of Zionists believe that a complete victory will be achieved against Hamas is impossible.

While Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of the Zionist regime, considered the destruction of Hamas one of the main goals of the Gaza war; An issue that, after more than 8 months of the war, its illusory dimensions have become more and more apparent.

Accordingly, Gadi Eisenkot, the former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Zionist regime, acknowledged the continuation of Hamas thinking among the Palestinians.

Eysencott in this about said: The main goal of the Gaza war was to destroy the military power and the government of Hamas in Gaza, not to completely destroy this movement. Hamas is an ideology that we will have to fight against for years. We cannot promise that we are only one step away from victory.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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