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Former head of Mossad: Israel is heading towards disaster

The former head of the Zionist intelligence agency (Mossad) warned that Netanyahu is pushing this regime towards chaos and disaster.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, Tamir Bardo, the former head of the Zionist intelligence agency (Mossad) ) said: Netanyahu has no strategy and vision in any issue and is leading Israel to chaos. He added that Netanyahu has no ears and only thinks about himself, he does not think about Israel It leads us to disaster. Bardo stated that I (Sayed Hassan) Nasrallah (Secretary General of Hezbollah) is more honest than Netanyahu. On the other hand, Israel Zif, the former head of the operations branch of the Zionist regime, warned: “Being dragged into the war in the north (with Hezbollah) is not in Israel’s interest.” ) Israel, we have not faced such a crisis until now, we are in fact, without a leader.

Yitzhak Brik, the Reserve General of the Zionist Army, emphasized: the political and military circles that on the 7th of October caused the greatest failure and disaster for Israel had brought it since its establishment, they want to repeat the failure this time in a much more dangerous way.

He added that the initiative of the Chief of the General Staff of the Army and the Minister of War with Netanyahu’s approval for an all-out attack on Hezbollah , it will bring a regional war in 6 arenas for Israel and will destroy this regime.

Barik warned by stating that thousands of rockets, rockets and drones will be fired at us every day. that this is a mass suicide plan led by Netanyahu, Gallant and Helivi who have nothing left to lose, that’s why they put the fate of Israel as a hostage and drag everyone with them towards destruction.

Disagreements between Netanyahu and the Israeli army escalated
Israeli general: Continuation of war with Netanyahu’s presence will cause collapse

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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