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Haaretz: Hezbollah has become a smart army

Acknowledging the inability of the army of this regime against the missiles and drones of the Lebanese resistance, the media of the Zionist regime emphasized that Hezbollah has become an intelligent army and has challenged Israel's air defense systems.
– International News

The continuation of severe criticism by Zionist circles and experts on the chaotic situation of the northern front of occupied Palestine, the Hebrew media questioned the statements of Israeli officials about the developments on the northern front and their claims about the strength of the Israeli army to counter Hezbollah missiles.

Israel does not have the ability to counter Hezbollah’s missiles and drones

Ishaq Burke, Army Reserve General The Zionist regime and the former officer in charge of handling the complaints of the soldiers of this army announced in this context: The events of southern Lebanon cannot be separated from Gaza. The fact is that Hezbollah fires dozens of missiles and drones at us every day and we are not able to stop them.

This Zionist general added: He did not achieve his goals in Gaza; That too, in a situation where it is not able to stop Hezbollah’s missiles and drones either through fighters or through the Iron Dome.

On the other hand, Moshe Yaalon The former minister of war of the Zionist regime announced in a conversation with Channel 12 of this regime: Israel has not been in such a crisis since its establishment, and in fact, Israel now has no leader.

Yair Golan, the head of the Zionist Labor Party, in turn announced in this regard that the Israeli cabinet lost its legitimacy on October 7 and is unable to make decisions in favor of the Israelis.

“Tamir Pardo”, the former head of the Mossad, said in an interview with the Zionist regime’s Channel 12: “Netanyahu neither hears nor sees.” He only thinks about himself and leads Israel to disaster. He added: “In fact, Netanyahu does not have any strategy or view on any issue.” to have I believe (Sayed) Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah.

Padro added: Netanyahu is leading us to disaster and the victory he is talking about means the loss of more soldiers. The former head of the Mossad asked the Israelis to come to the streets and chant against Netanyahu and demand his removal from power.

Hezbollah is a smart army

On the other hand, the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz, in a report referring to the expansion of the threat of Hezbollah drones against the Zionist regime, acknowledged the success of the Lebanese resistance in challenging the air defense systems of the occupying army. And he declared: The Israeli army does not have a complete answer to Hezbollah’s repeated drone attacks. Meanwhile, Hezbollah’s drones have caused great destruction in the northern front and destroyed the Israelis’ sense of security.

This article continues: It helped this party in stabilizing the equations of the conflict, and thanks to its advanced technology and precision weapons, Hezbollah today has become an intelligent army with precise capabilities to gather intelligence that threatens the Israeli army and critical infrastructure.

The author of this note emphasized: Hezbollah’s access to precision weapons such as drones, in large numbers, has deprived Israel of the classic concept of deterrence, and the power that Hezbollah currently has yes, it weakens the balance of strategic power of Israel against its enemies.

This Zionist media clarified: Hezbollah has shown its continuous power since the beginning of the war and knows how to attack places that the Israeli army’s radars have difficulty in detecting targets there.

Haaretz continued: Hezbollah, from the beginning of the current battle, experiences during the war during the crisis Syria has used what it had collected. These experiences allow Hezbollah forces to improve their capabilities and develop an organized operational concept for their drone system; An issue that challenges the air defense system of the Israeli army.

This Hebrew media quoted a senior Israeli security source as reporting that Hezbollah’s ability to carry out precise attacks And in sudden directions with the multitude of drones and cruise missiles, it has created a real threat to the Israeli air defense system.

Haaretz emphasized: Hezbollah in its operations more It will focus on attacking Israel’s economic infrastructure and military targets using its precision weapons, and the massive exodus of settlers from the northern front has allowed Hezbollah to use the uninhabited settlements that the IDF has entered as positions. On the other hand, the Hebrew newspaper Yediot Aharonot announced that after October 8, 2023, Hezbollah became the main threat to Israel; Not only because it depopulated the northern part of the Galilee and started massive fires in the northern settlements, but also because it displaced tens of thousands of Israelis and until (Sayed) Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, did not allow it. They cannot return to their homes.

This Zionist media reported: The settlers in the north are extremely depressed and are asking the question of what to do to end the nightmare of rockets. What should Hezbollah do?

This Zionist media, quoting one of the settlers in Galilee, announced that the Israelis live here in the midst of Hezbollah missiles and the situation is terrible. . Since October, Israeli society in the north has been torn apart, the economy has been destroyed and many have lost their jobs. Meanwhile, the residents of the northern settlements believe that the cabinet has left them to get used to living under the shadow of war.

In addition, while the Zionist media follow From the military censorship policy of this regime, they tried to hide the number of casualties and the number of displaced people from the northern front of occupied Palestine and claimed that tens of thousands of people were displaced from this area. The American Newsweek magazine recently announced in a report: the number of Israelis who were displaced due to Hizbullah attacks have displaced 200 thousand people from their homes in the north, and this is contrary to the statistics announced by the Israeli army, which announced that 60 thousand Israelis have been displaced from the north.

Before this, Hezbollah officials had repeatedly talked about the displacement of 200,000 people in northern occupied Palestine.

Reread Nasrallah’s threatening messages to Israel and its supporters
Hebrew sources: Nasrallah gave one of the most powerful speeches
Zionist official: Nasrallah rules the northern part of Israel

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