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So far, we have not had such an operational weakness in the West Bank

The former head of Shabak acknowledged the failure of the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime and his cabinet in the West Bank and the Gaza war.

report Mehr News Agency quoted by Al Jazeera, “Yuval Diskin”, the former head of Shabak of the Zionist regime, admitted in a speech that the prime minister of this regime, “Benyamin Netanyahu” and his cabinet, have failed in the West Bank and Gaza.

The former head of Shabak said: Every day I am shocked by the inability of the cabinet and its failed way of managing the war. Our prime minister is a failure. He is our worst prime minister so far.

Diskin continued: This failed prime minister has led us to a strategic and multilateral crisis. We do not have internal security. We have never had such a weakness in terms of operations in the West Bank.

The former head of Shabak added: Iran’s shadow threatens us and has created a belt of fire around us with its allies.

Diskin called Netanyahu’s cabinet the most failed cabinet in the history of the fake Zionist regime and said: We made wrong strategic decisions that led to the events of October 7.

The former head of Shabak added: We are facing an existential threat and we need new leaders who will immediately repair the damages and losses.

He continued: Early elections should be held that will lead to the election of the unity cabinet without Netanyahu’s presence. We need a cabinet that will bring back the prisoners, disarm Gaza, hand over its administration to civilian administration, and establish a security belt around this strip.

The former head of Shabak also pointed to the exemption of Haredim Jews from military service and the existing differences between Zionists in this regard and said: There should be equality in bearing the burden of military service. .


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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