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Curbing migrants is a priority for future EU officials

The Prime Minister of Hungary has announced that he will make the issue of curbing immigrants his top priority during his presidency of the European Union, which he will take over from the beginning of July.
– International news

According to the report of the international group Tasnim news agency, publication ” Day Site” wrote in an article: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban wants to put the immigration issue at the center of his country’s rotating presidency of the European Union.

Orban told the newspapers of the group Media Funke said that he welcomes the position of Olaf Schultz, the chancellor of Germany, to consider the outsourcing of asylum procedures to countries outside the European Union. Hungary will take over the EU presidency from Belgium on July 1.

Orban also pointed out that Hungary has already created “external hot spots”. , centers outside Hungary where asylum applications are reviewed.

He emphasized: If immigrants want to come to Hungary, they should first contact the Hungarian embassy. For example, in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. All papers are checked there. Immigrants can enter only if the Hungarian authorities give the green light. Otherwise, no.

According to Orban, nine years after the refugee crisis in 2015, it is also clear that in his warnings to other countries The European was right at the time that if you open your borders to illegal immigration, you take a big risk.

Orban about 9 years ago Regarding the consequences of the influx of refugees, he said: Let’s wait and see what the German or French society will be like in the next 10, 15 or 20 years. If the result is positive, Hungarians can also think about this issue.

Orban recently criticized the immigration policy of the German federal government during his trip to Germany. Orban told Hungarian state radio station Kossuth that Germany is no longer what it was ten years ago. It doesn’t taste like it used to, it doesn’t smell like it used to, this whole Germany is no longer the Germany that our grandparents set an example for us.

In 2015, Germany and other European countries initially decided not to close their borders in accordance with the Schengen agreement due to the influx of asylum seekers.

Now outsourcing Asylum procedures to countries outside the European Union are criticized by many immigration experts and are sometimes legally problematic.

According to the Statistics Office report According to Eurostat, only 30 initial asylum applications were made in Hungary last year, compared to almost 330,000 in Germany. Orban said: We will accept asylum seekers if they follow Hungarian laws. Our regulations are unique in the European Union.

The Prime Minister of Hungary emphasized that the focus of the country’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2024 will be on solving the immigration problem. Was. He previously warned in 2015 that other EU countries were taking a “big risk” by opening their borders to illegal immigration. 9 He emphasized that the following year it turned out that my warnings were true.

According to the publication “D Site” among them, “Manfred Weber”, the head of the faction of the party The European People’s Party (EPP), the largest faction of this European institution that won the recent European elections, also called for a “commitment to fight against illegal immigration” in view of holding a summit to fill the important positions of the European Union starting next Thursday. has been This Christian Social Party politician told the Bild magazine: “The European Union should focus on ensuring peace, economic growth and limiting immigration.” It is for the EU leaders to visualize these “EPP red lines” as the future senior representatives. Among other things, he called for “strengthening the protection of the EU’s external borders, cooperation with countries of origin and a new Mediterranean pact with the neighboring countries of the EU”. He emphasized: Illegal immigrants should be stopped at the external borders of the European Union and returned to their country. The second term of the presidency of Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the European Commission, will be decided by the Christian Democratic Party. The decision was postponed due to a lack of agreement at the first special meeting on Monday.

In addition, next week it will be determined who will be the next president of the European Council. . Antonio Costa, the former prime minister of Portugal, is considered the most popular choice for this position.

According to Bild, Germany, in the conservative EPP party, there is a fear that this The Social Democratic candidate could oppose the EU’s asylum compromise, which would, among other things, provide for stricter rules for asylum.

Social Democratic Alliance in Parliament Election Europe became the second strongest power after the EPP on June 9.

European Trump will become the rotating president of the European Union

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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