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The publication of the letter of the leader of the revolution among Venezuelan university students

The President of the National University of Venezuela, Simon Rodrigues, said in a meeting with the Secretary General of the Iranian Human Rights Youth Organization that he will publish Ayatollah Khamenei's letter with pride and interest among all professors, faculty members and all students of this university.
– International news – Amin Ansari, the Secretary General of Iran’s Human Rights Youth Organization, met and talked with Alkhondrina Reges, President of Simon Rodrigues National University, during his trip to Venezuela.

The Secretary General of Human Rights Youth Organization In this meeting, Bishr considered the university as the origin of all developments and considered the role of students in international developments to be important. He said: Following the resolution of the UNESCO General Assembly, Iran is known as the initiator of university tradition in the world, and the 1750-year history of Jundishapur University has been registered and declared as the oldest university in the world, and the history of Jundishapur University is affiliated to Tehran University, and now Tehran University is The title of the largest and best university in Iran has been given the legacy of 1757 years of tradition of higher education in the world, in this regard, in the near future, the ceremony of commemorating 1757 years of university tradition in Iran will be held by Tehran University.

Ansari said referring to the crimes of the Zionist regime: the domination system centered on the United States had tried to mask the Zionist regime and introduce it everywhere as a democratic country and, in their own words, an example of democracy in the region , but the crimes committed by the Zionist regime against the oppressed people of Palestine and Gaza and the support provided by the United States of America became clear to many, although it was clear to many like the resistance front, but the continuation of these crimes became in a way that all the people of the world and free people understood. .

He continued: Naturally, due to the special conditions that arose in the world, students were among the groups that protested, and today we see that student protests have occurred in America and They came to the scene and its influence is even in other countries, and following the American students, the students of other countries came to the square and protested the crimes of Israel.

Amin Ansari addressed at the end Referring to and explaining the Supreme Leader’s letter, President of National University Simon Rodrigues said: Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei paid a lot of attention to this issue and wrote a letter to the students and young people of Europe and America that I present you a Spanish version and if You thought it advisable for the students in the university to somehow receive and reproduce this message.

Alkhondrina Reges, President of Simon Rodrigues National University, while welcoming Amin Ansari, Secretary General of the Human Rights Youth Organization, with Welcoming the letter of Ayatollah Khamenei, he said: This university has many branches in Caracas and other provinces of Venezuela and has 120 thousand students, which published the letter of Ayatollah Khamenei with pride and interest among all the professors, faculty members and all students of this university. I do.

President of the Simon Rodrigues National University, referring to the resistance front and the prominent figure of Lieutenant General Hajj Qassem Soleimani, said: At the entrance of the university, the pictures of 4 of the leaders of the liberation of Venezuela were installed. It has been decided that next to them we will install the picture of the martyr general Hajj Qassem Soleimani as a prominent figure of the resistance. Simon Rodrigues National University, with the participation of the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office and the Human Rights Youth Organization, will hold a joint conference in this university in the near future. Upon his arrival in Venezuela, Beshr Iran met and talked with Hojjatullah Soltani, the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Seyyed Mojtabi Hosseininejad, the representative of the Al-Mustafa Al-Alamiya community in Latin America, and Ali Faramarzi, the cultural advisor of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Venezuela.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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