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Hezbollah’s second massive drone attack against the Israeli regime

Lebanon's Hezbollah announced that in support of the people and the Palestinian resistance in Gaza and in response to the assassination operation of one of the field commanders of the resistance, it has targeted the second headquarters of the Israeli regime's army in the north of occupied Palestine.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, In a statement, the Islamic State of Lebanon announced today, Sunday, that its fighters have targeted the headquarters of the 91st Division of the Israeli regime’s army in Hashahr Island, located in the north of occupied Palestine, with a large number of drones.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah stated that this operation was in response to the Israeli regime’s terrorist act of assassinating resistance fighters in the town of “Al-Khiyrah” and emphasized that in this drone operation, it targeted the places of gathering and deployment of the Israeli regime’s officers and soldiers. as a result of which a number of people were killed or injured.


An hour ago, Hebrew sources reported that the warning siren was activated in some Zionist settlements. located in the occupied Jalil area (northern occupied Palestine) such as Baram, Yeroun and Avivim. Simultaneously with the announcement of this news, the media of the Israeli regime reported that a number of Zionists were injured due to the explosion of a Hezbollah drone in the northeast of Safed. /p>

The media of the Israeli regime, moments after this attack, announced in the news that a number of people injured in this drone attack were transferred to “Zif” hospital located in the occupied city of Safed. It is not yet known who the injured people are, but there is a high probability that they are among the Zionist military. The command headquarters of the Zionist regime in the north of the occupied territories has been targeted by a drone attack.

Hizbollah drone attack on Zionist headquarters

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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