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Hell of Israel in the north and south/thousands of volunteers joined the resistance

While the Zionists are floundering in the swamps of Gaza and southern Lebanon, America is extremely worried about the expansion of the war in northern occupied Palestine with Hezbollah and its deadly consequences for Israel.
– International news

According to the international group Tasnim news agency, “Abdul Bari Atwan” editor of the regional newspaper Rai Elyoum and analyst The well-known Palestinian wrote in his new note about the war in Gaza and the developments in occupied northern Palestine: We do not need the experts of “Foreign Affairs” magazine to tell us that Israel could not resist the leadership of Hamas after 9 months of genocidal war against the Gaza Strip. to defeat; On the contrary, the victory of the resistance happened, and its strength and achievements in the field are increasing day by day. >Atwan added: “Benyamin Netanyahu” the prime minister of the Zionist regime and his generals, these days, are in a hurry, looking for a way to preserve their lost reputation in order to end the war and escape from Gaza with the least casualties, and it seems that they have found that way. They have found it with comments in which they claim to have achieved their goals in attacking Rafah. Another excuse they give for fleeing Gaza is the preparation for war on the northern front with the aim of eliminating Hezbollah’s threat to the security of the Zionists and the existence of the occupying regime.

This Palestinian analyst clarified: the military wing of Hamas Today, it has become stronger than ever and militarily, it has controlled a large part of the Gaza Strip. Also, there is not a day that the Palestinian resistance fighters are not successful in ambushing the Zionist soldiers, which leads to their capture, death or injury. This is what proves the falseness of Israel’s claims practically and in the field, and no one even in the Israeli military establishment believes these lies. American political scientist and national security expert wrote about the strategic failure of the Zionist regime in the Gaza war and the victory of Hamas. It is not on the military forces, but their failure to understand the sources of power of Hamas. He also said that Israel says that 14,000 of the 40,000 Hamas forces have been killed (martyrs), while the US intelligence service estimates that this number is 10,000. But in any case, the number of casualties is not a measure to measure the strength or weakness of Hamas; Rather, the criterion is the control of Hamas with full power over the Gaza Strip, as well as the popular popularity of this movement. In addition, we must note that 80% of Hamas tunnels are still safe and usable.

The resistance in Gaza and the West Bank has become stronger

in Atwan’s article continues: What Professor Pope and most political and military experts like him have not said is that tens of thousands of volunteers have joined the resistance, especially Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza and the West Bank, and in secret training to use weapons, They have participated in training centers in underground tunnels in the Gaza Strip or on the ground in the West Bank. Most of these youth fighters are between 18 and 24 years old.

He continued: On the other hand, the crime of genocide committed by the occupying army in Gaza will not only lead to the strengthening of Hamas and its popular base; Rather, it will lead to the emergence of much braver groups in the future, both in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, who are ready to avenge the blood of the martyrs, including innocent Palestinian children and women in the Gaza Strip.

According to this note, the point Another point is that today we no longer hear about finding an alternative to the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, and we see that Israeli generals, both inside and outside the Israeli army, admit that it is impossible to destroy the resistance in the Gaza Strip; Because Hamas is an ideology and none of the attempts to defeat it succeed. This article further pointed out and clarified the developments in occupied northern Palestine and the fear of the Zionists and Americans of Hezbollah’s missiles and drones: the words that are currently being expressed by many spokesmen of the American government that this country will support Israel in the event of a large-scale war in Lebanon. It is just a desperate attempt to calm the panicked public opinion of Israelis; Especially in the towns of Al-Jalil. The Americans are speaking while the officials of this country are secretly putting pressure on Netanyahu and his generals to prevent the expansion of the war on the northern front with Hezbollah in order to prevent a great disaster for Israel.

Abdul Bari Atwan continued: “Ishaq Barak”, a reserve general in the Zionist regime’s army, in a conversation with Channel 13 of this regime, announced that war against Lebanon means mass suicide for Israel led by Netanyahu, “Yaoav Galant”, the Minister of War and ” “Herzi Halevi” is the Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, who have nothing to lose and are pulling all Israelis towards the abyss. Burke emphasized that it is not possible to separate the Gaza front from southern Lebanon, these fronts are completely connected, and Hezbollah fires dozens of drones and missiles at Israel (Occupied Palestine) every day, while Israel’s defense system cannot Atwan added: As long as Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah and Hezbollah’s military commanders lead a war of attrition against the Zionist regime on the northern front, and Yahya al-Sanwar, the head of Hamas, in the Gaza Strip. And his right hand, “Mohammed al-Dazif”, the commander of the Ezzedine al-Qassam battalions, and other resistance commanders in the southern front (Gaza) are leading the war, the Zionist regime is moving rapidly, not only towards defeat, but towards complete collapse. This regime is also completely hated in the world and after the hunger war launched by the occupiers in Gaza and the publication of pictures of martyred and starving children in Gaza, the global hatred of Zionists has increased even more.

At the end of this article, the unity of the resistance areas to support Gaza has been pointed out and emphasized: the South Lebanon Front, the Yemeni Armed Forces, and the Islamic Resistance of Iraq are all in a single front with the Gaza Strip and its resistance, which is starting to change all the equations and rules of the conflict. Not only in the region, but the whole world.

The confusion of the Zionists after the “Hodood” operation Hizbollah in Haifa
The “hood” of resistance in Haifa; Hizbullah’s shot at the heart of Israel’s economy

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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