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The situation in the north of the occupied territories of Canada worried

In order to compensate for the inability of the Zionist regime to evacuate the settlers living in the north of the occupied territories, Canada suggested that these settlers migrate to Canada from the north of the occupied Palestine.

report Mehr News Agency quoted Al-Mayadeen, following the escalation of tension on the border between Lebanon and occupied Palestine and the lack of security of the occupying settlers in these areas, the government of Canada offered the Zionists living in the north of the occupied territories to this country. migrate.

This proposal of the Canadian government was raised after the possibility of evacuating the settlers from the areas under fire from resistance rockets was rejected by the Zionist authorities. Also, this proposal was presented following the statements of the Lebanese officials, which indicated the acknowledgment of the American officials to them regarding the possibility of increasing the number of occupied refugees to 200,000 people following the escalation of tension in the northern borders of the occupied territories.

According to the comments of analysts who are aware of the situation of the Zionist regime, this news shows the internal situation of the occupied territories and refers to the evaluation of NATO member countries such as Canada, which are allies of the occupation. ; In such a way that the internal situation of the Zionist regime has become so embarrassing and horrible from their point of view that maybe the solution to this situation is the migration of a part of the settlers.

Also, the media of the Zionist regime have emphasized that the situation in the north of the occupied territories is unbearable for the tens of thousands of settlers living in these areas who have not been evacuated by the Zionist authorities.

Earlier, news sources affiliated with the Zionist regime reported that 550,000 Zionists fled from the occupied territories in the first 6 months of the Gaza war.

The Zionist media Zaman Israel admitted that in the first 6 months of the war against Gaza, 550,000 Israeli settlers fled out of fear and left the occupied Palestinian lands. .


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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