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UNRWA: 69% of the schools where the refugees are located have been directly bombed

UNRWA announced that 69 percent of school buildings where refugees from different areas of the Gaza Strip were sheltered were directly bombed or seriously damaged.

report Mehr News Agency quoted by the website Palestine Elium, the United Nations relief and employment agency for Palestinian refugees “UNRWA” published a statement on its official page on the social network “X” on Sunday. It showed that there is no safe place in the Gaza Strip and this blatant disregard for international laws must be stopped as soon as possible.

This international agency emphasized that 69 percent of the school buildings where refugees from different areas of the Gaza Strip were sheltered were directly targeted by the bombings. Zionist regime or have suffered serious damage.

During its attacks on the Gaza Strip, the Zionist regime deliberately targets schools, while thousands of Palestinian refugees live in them. have taken shelter and this leads to crimes against them and planned damage to the education sector in this region.

UNRWA has published this statement while the aggression of the Zionist regime against the Gaza Strip continues for the 261st day in a row and has resulted in the martyrdom of 37,551 people and Another 85,911 people were injured.

The UNRWA agency announced yesterday that 76 percent of all schools in the Gaza Strip need to be renovated or extensively repaired to be able to be used again.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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