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The hand of the Gaza tribes to Netanyahu’s chest

The tribes of the Gaza Strip, emphasizing their all-round support for the Palestinian resistance, once again thwarted the conspiracy of the Zionists and Netanyahu himself to replace the tribal government in Gaza with Hamas and emphasized that all Palestinians stand in a united position against the invaders.
– International News

According to the international group Tasnim News Agency, while since the beginning of the Gaza war, the Zionists have various conspiracies In order to divide the various Palestinian elements in the Gaza Strip and especially to incite different tribes and clans against the resistance, and they failed every time, the tribes of Gaza once again emphasized their position in supporting the resistance and put their hands on “Benyamin Netanyahu’s chest”. The prime minister of the Zionist regime hit. Akif al-Masri, the general commissioner of the Palestinian Tribal Affairs Board in the Gaza Strip, announced that Netanyahu and his ministers cannot establish the will of the Palestinian people on the way to achieving the right to freedom, liberation from the occupation. break the independent state of Palestine and realize their right of return.

He emphasized: The same way the Palestinian tribes have thwarted Israel’s conspiracies in the war against the Gaza Strip in the past 9 months, they once again defeated Netanyahu’s conspiratorial plan. Al-Masri added: The tribes of Gaza do not accept the rule of any political party in the Gaza Strip, and there is no alternative for Palestinian resistance groups with any intellectual and political orientation. This official in The affairs of the Palestinian tribes in the Gaza Strip sent greetings to all the members of the tribes and families of Gaza and emphasized that they stand in a single line and position to defeat the plots of the invaders and continue their work in protecting the unity, internal peace and social fabric of Gaza. The Palestinian people are the only ones who can determine their own destiny through the election of representatives and the democratic and free administration of Gaza, and this will be achieved through national consensus and Palestinian elections. It had buried all the Zionist political and military officials before Netanyahu, it is also burying Netanyahu’s illusions and dreams, and the period of this prime minister of the occupying regime has ended. It was stated that Netanyahu had admitted the failure of his plan to replace the government of the Palestinian tribes in Gaza instead of Hamas. The Zionist regime, together with the United States, has several imaginary plans for managing Gaza in the days after the war. They had presented, but none of them came to fruition. In this context, the occupiers tried to communicate with various tribes and clans of Gaza through international parties and institutions and find an alternative to the current government of Gaza, which is under the leadership of Hamas. But this request of the Zionists was met with strong opposition from the tribes and tribes of Gaza.

According to the plan that the occupiers had prepared for this purpose, the Israeli army intended to administer the administration hand over this region temporarily to recognized Palestinian tribes and carry out some of its missions in this way. Hebrew media reported that this plan included dividing the Gaza Strip into areas under the influence of Palestinian tribes. /p>

According to these reports, Netanyahu asked the security authorities to investigate whether there are local forces in Gaza that can be cooperated with and used to manage the affairs of the strip after the war.

But these tribes, which represent a social fabric in the Gaza Strip from Beit Hanoun in the north to Rafah in the south, demanded an end to the division of Palestine and the formation of a national unity government under the leadership of al-Fahad. The clans and tribes of Gaza, in response to the new conspiracy of the occupiers, announced that they do not accept any alternative to the political system of Gaza, and that the political structure of this region consists of national components and supporters of the resistance, which defend the internal front against the aggression of the occupying enemy.

They emphasized in a joint statement that national unity is the only way to preserve the existence of the Palestinian nation and their steadfastness and brave resistance. Any communication with the Zionist enemy, whether through international institutions or in any other way, is not acceptable and is considered national treason, and anyone who does such a thing has actually collaborated with the occupying enemy. Palestinian tribes and tribes are an integral part of the fabric of Palestinian society and support comprehensive resistance against the occupation.

When the Palestinian tribes poured clean water on the hands of the Zionists

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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