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Developments in Ukraine The Pentagon’s silence about the missile attack on Sevastopol

Children are the main victims of Ukraine's attack on the Sevastopol beach, the Russian ambassador's emphasis on Washington's responsibility in this terrorist act, the congressman's reference to the role of American drones in attacking the Russian people, and the meeting of the foreign ministers of Turkey, Romania, and Poland are some of the important events of the war.
– International News

Report Webangah News quoted Tasnim news agency international group, the Pentagon from He refused to comment on yesterday’s missile attack on the port of Sevastopol by the Ukrainian armed forces using American ATACMS long-range missiles. The American defense reported this issue and noted that he said in response to a written question requested by this agency: “We have seen the reports related to this incident, but we have nothing to say.”

On Sunday afternoon, Ukrainian armed forces attacked the port of Sevastopol using US-made ATACMS missiles. The main attack hit a coastal area on the outskirts of the city. According to the latest count, 151 people, all of them tourists who came to the beach on a hot weekend, were injured, 82 of whom were hospitalized, and five injured children are in intensive care. Five people, including two children, died in this incident.

The Russian Ministry of Defense emphasized in relation to this attack that all the flight coordinates of ATACMS missiles by It is imported by American experts and based on their satellite detection data, and for this reason, the blame for the attacks on this completely civilian area lies with Washington, which provided these weapons to Ukraine.

Next, you can follow the developments related to the 852nd day of the Ukrainian war:


Increase the death toll of the Ukrainian attack on Sevastopol to five people Last night, the governor of the Sevastopol region, Mikhail Razvazhev, announced that the number of victims of the attack by Ukrainian armed forces on the tourist beaches of Sevastopol on Sunday has increased to five. According to him, the number of injured in this missile attack also increased to 151 people. On the summer holiday, when people were relaxing on the beach, using US-made ammunition, unfortunately, a large number of citizens were killed, including three children and two adults.

According to him, according to the latest information, as a result of this attack, 151 people needed medical help, 82 of them were transferred to the hospital, among these people, five children, who were in serious condition, were immediately treated with They were transported to Moscow using an equipped transport plane of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. 


Russian ambassador: America will not escape responsibility for Ukraine’s attack on Sevastopol Anatoly Antonov, the Russian ambassador in Washington this morning, Monday, in a comment regarding the lack of reaction of the American authorities to the attack of the Ukrainian forces with ATACMS missiles on the civilian population in the port of Sevastopol, emphasized that the White House is openly aware of the crimes of the Kiev authorities, including the attacks on supports civilians, but the American side cannot escape its responsibility in this action.

Antonov wrote in a message on the Telegram channel of the Russian Embassy: The White House openly The crimes of your regime are supported by Kiev. Washington officials have taken the side of international terrorism. They confirm the attacks on civilians, while there is no justification for this bloody act of the Ukrainian side. Women and children don’t feel shame even on a holiday,” he added: “Washington officials’ efforts to cover up this terrible crime against Russian citizens cause anger and hatred, but they cannot sit in their country and be responsible for the blood and tears of innocent people. “

American senator: the attack on Sevastopol should not have happened

Marjorie Taylor Green, a member of the American House of Representatives, said this morning on X social network about the attack of Ukrainian armed forces on the coast of Sevastopol port using American ATACMS missiles: “This should not have happened. Imagine Russia using a Russian satellite to launch its cluster bombs on a beach in the state of Florida. Is this action acceptable?”

Ms. Taylor Greene added: “The only border that the United States military has to protect is our country’s borders and the federal government’s constitution. obliged to defend it. It is regrettable that the US Air Force used its reconnaissance drones to target civilians in the port of Sevastopol with cluster munitions sent by Washington to the Ukrainian military.”

He accompanied his post on the X network with a photo from the Flightradar monitoring source, which depicts the flight path of the American RQ-4 reconnaissance drone in the sky of the Black Sea.

German journalist called Ukraine’s attack on Sevastopol crossing a red line

Christoph Herstel, German journalist and political figure about the shelling of Sevastopol by Ukraine’s armed forces, with American missiles, expressed their opinion that Kiev had clearly crossed an important red line when it targeted children on the seashore.

That night “I think that Ukraine has clearly crossed a red line, killing children on the beach is a serious red line,” he said in an interview in the past. He added that the Ukrainian side resorted to attacking civilian areas because it has been losing on the battlefield for some time, but the army of a country should not kill children under any circumstances.

According to this German journalist, the United States is behind a “dirty genocide” and is completely indifferent to issues related to human suffering in other countries. He added: “But if any American soldier or civilian is in danger or in a bad situation, it will quickly cause a strong protest from the Washington authorities.” Thus, I must say that this is a very unpleasant racism that we are witnessing here.

Ukraine’s attack on Sevastopol under the supervision of the US Air Force is an act of war.

Jackson Hinkle, an American journalist, wrote on his page on the X channel (formerly Twitter) that “the US Air Force launched a missile that killed Russian civilians in The Crimean Peninsula has been directed, and this is considered an act of war against Russia.”

Julia Kanin, another American journalist, also pointed to the fact that the media The West has remained silent after the attack of Ukrainian armed forces on Sevastopol. He wrote on X social network: “None of the American media, not even Reuters, reported this attack. Only Russia has spoken about this attack and complete silence prevails on the antenna of the Western media.” Ukraine called Sevastopol a war crime and considered providing weapons that cause such attacks to be an accomplice in this crime and emphasized that Washington is responsible for what happened.

United Nations response to Ukraine’s attack on civilians in Sevastopol

At the United Nations regarding the attack of Ukrainian armed forces on Sevastopol with long-range missiles US-made ATACMS, which according to the latest data, 151 civilians were injured and 5 killed, reacted completely neutrally. 

The UN spokesperson said in response to the Russian journalist’s question about this: “We ask all parties involved to take the necessary measures to prevent civilian casualties.” “As always, we are committed to ending the military conflict in Ukraine in accordance with the UN Charter and General Assembly resolutions,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said last night. This reaction of the UN to this crime was assessed by the Kyiv authorities as a recognition of their own futility. She wrote on her Telegram channel: “This comment is more like an admission of the uselessness of the United Nations than a commentary on this tragedy.” Zakharova emphasized that the organization’s secretariat Nations completely politicize their statements and actions on issues related to the conflict in Ukraine to keep Western countries satisfied.

He reminded: an international organization The international community should state the fact as it happened that civilians were killed by Ukrainian armed forces during the shelling of Sevastopol and condemn this terrorist act.

Duma official: Terrorist attacks in Sevastopol and Dagestan were directed from abroad

Leonid Slutsky, head of the State Duma International Affairs Committee and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia assured that yesterday’s terrorist attacks in Sevastopol and in the Republic of Dagestan were inspired from outside Russia and their purpose was to create fear and divide between the Muslim and Christian people of Russia. 

Slutsky added: Those who stand behind the terrorists, guide them, supply them with weapons and indulge in killing women, elderly people and children, should not be held accountable.

Slutsky added: “The United States and its European satellites, which cannot cope with the real defeat of their puppets in Kiev on the Ukrainian front, Open supporters of state terrorism have become and are accomplices of their crimes.”

CNN Tür, citing its news sources, reported that the foreign ministers of Turkey, Romania and Poland in the midst of the “tense situation in Poland” said could be caused by the military conflict in Ukraine, on Wednesday, June 26, they will meet in Warsaw or each other.

The report states: , Hakan Fidan (Turkish Foreign Minister) is going to Poland… due to the tense situation in this country, whose alert level has been raised, to participate in a tripartite meeting with his counterparts from Romania and Poland.”

This TV channel mentioned that Poland, which borders both Ukraine and Russia, is considered a “very important country” in terms of the military conflict in Ukraine.

The operational command of the Polish Armed Forces announced yesterday that Polish planes were forced to fly over Ukraine due to “dangerous” actions by the Russian Air Force to ensure that the country’s airspace would not be violated.

Rafael Grossi demanded to stop the attacks on Energodar city

Rafael Grossi Yesterday, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency called for a halt to the attacks on the city of Energodar, stressing that the use of unmanned aircraft (attack drones) against the Zaporozhye power plant and its adjacent areas is unacceptable. 

Whoever is behind this should be stopped, Grossi said. The use of drones against the power plant and its surrounding areas has been increasingly increased and is completely unacceptable and contrary to the principles of security and certain principles that were unanimously adopted.

Energodar city is located in the vicinity of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and is the place where the employees and their families live. On Friday, the armed forces of Ukraine attacked the “Radoga” power station that supplies the city with electricity, which led to a blackout for several hours in a large part of the city.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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