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How are the Zionists surprised in the war with Lebanon?

The surprises of Lebanon's Hezbollah for the Zionist enemy and Yemen's determination to move towards the fifth stage of its military operation are among the focus of the leading newspapers of the Arab world.

Mehr News, International Group: While the threats of the Zionist regime authorities against Lebanon’s Hezbollah and their rhetoric regarding war-mongering against this country continue, the Islamic resistance forces have emphasized that if Committing any stupidity by the Zionists, they have prepared many surprises for them.

صهیونیست‌ها در جنگ با لبنان چگونه غافلگیر می‌شوند؟

Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar wrote about this country: Any military operation from the side of the Zionist enemy is considered a declaration of all-out war from the point of view of the Lebanese resistance. In the dictionary of resistance, there will no longer be anything called an attack or a few days of conflict, but we will witness an unlimited war. The moral rules of the resistance commanders, who were abused by the Zionist settlers, change and burn together. As soon as the war starts, all the vital goals of the Zionist regime will be targeted without any discussion. In case of a direct war, the weapons used will change and the Lebanese forces will move towards military centers and Lebanese and Palestinian villages.

صهیونیست‌ها در جنگ با لبنان چگونه غافلگیر می‌شوند؟

Al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper wrote about Netanyahu: Currently, Netanyahu is struggling with serious and extensive differences with the Zionist army. The army says that it is not able to make further advances in the Gaza Strip and the cabinet must reach an agreement with the Hamas movement; This is while Netanyahu plays his instrument. It seems that a crisis with the army was not enough for Netanyahu, and he deliberately opened another conflict front, this time with Biden and the US government. It got to the point where Netanyahu criticized Biden’s performance in arming the Zionist regime by publishing a video in English. The crises facing Netanyahu are expanding and his political life as a war criminal and the worst prime minister of this regime is coming to an end.

صهیونیست‌ها در جنگ با لبنان چگونه غافلگیر می‌شوند؟

Rai Alyoum newspaper wrote about Yemen: Yemen is undoubtedly preparing to face any military scenario, and this issue makes Sana’a move towards the fifth stage of military operations. move against the triangle of evil, namely America, Britain and the Zionist regime, especially if Tel Aviv acts foolishly and starts a war against Lebanon, the region will move towards an all-out war. In the fifth stage of its military operation, Yemen will continue its attacks against the desired targets in the sea more than before and will put American, British and even European ships in its crosshairs. This stage will witness a major joint military operation in the framework of the axis of resistance against the depth of the occupied lands and American bases in the region using new military tactics and strategic weapons.

صهیونیست‌ها در جنگ با لبنان چگونه غافلگیر می‌شوند؟

Suri al-Thora newspaper wrote about America: The American ambassador in Tokyo said that Putin’s visit to North Korea and Vietnam has caused widespread concerns among the country’s officials. America, which considers itself the police of the world, feels a lot of fear, worry and tension these days. This country, which has not done anything positive in its history, should always be worried. The Middle East, China, Asia and even the regions close to America and the so-called secluded life of this country also worry America.

صهیونیست‌ها در جنگ با لبنان چگونه غافلگیر می‌شوند؟

Suri Al-Watan newspaper wrote about the American elections: The war crisis in the Gaza Strip and Donald Trump are two of Biden’s fierce rivals for winning the presidential election. Why is Biden presenting his roadmap after eight months of the Gaza war and the martyrdom of more than 37,000 Palestinians? The answer is clear because the presidential election is near.

صهیونیست‌ها در جنگ با لبنان چگونه غافلگیر می‌شوند؟

The Yemeni Al-Masira newspaper wrote about Ghadir Eid: Ghadir event is not just a mere historical event, but it is the source of deep meanings and values ​​that can bring radical changes in contemporary Islamic societies. slow down Ghadir culture reminds us that faith values ​​are the basis for choosing leaders and passing laws. The leader in this culture is not only a manager or a person in charge, but a person of faith and high morals.

صهیونیست‌ها در جنگ با لبنان چگونه غافلگیر می‌شوند؟

Al-Maqreeb al-Iraqi newspaper wrote about the American occupation: Despite the statements of the Iraqi and American authorities, the case of the occupation’s departure from the country remains inconclusive. There are no clear horizons regarding the solution of this case between Baghdad and Washington. Meanwhile, bilateral negotiations are ongoing in this regard. In the meantime, the American side continues its efforts to thwart Iraq’s arms contracts with other countries with the aim of weakening the country’s security forces and making them look powerless.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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