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Lebanon’s sharp response to the British media’s claim against Beirut airport

Condemning the false claims of an English media against Beirut airport, the relevant Lebanese ministers emphasized that Israel is pursuing a psychological war against Lebanon and that this country will immediately take legal action against the Telegraph newspaper due to deception and spreading lies.
– International News

Report Webangah News quoted Tasnim news agency international group, following the claim of the English newspaper Telegraph that “the party “Allah has hidden his weapons at Beirut International Airport,” the Lebanese Air Transport Union issued a statement in response to this claim: “The Telegraph newspaper, without providing any evidence and proof, and with pure deception and lies, from The presence of weapons and missiles has been reported at the Beirut airport.

This union added: We hold this newspaper and all the parties that have reported its false content and fueled these deceptions and lies fully responsible for the lives of our troops. We know Beirut Airport and all the infrastructure of this airport.

Lebanon Air Transport Union also asked all Lebanese, Arab and foreign media to come to Beirut Airport with their cameras and check and see that these absurd claims are not true. .

“Ali Hamieh”, the Minister of Transportation of the interim government of Lebanon, also made a field visit to Beirut Airport during a press conference that was held in the hall of this airport, and emphasized: Ambassadors who visited Beirut Airport They were introduced to the mechanism adopted by this airport, especially at the level of transportation and export operations, which is in accordance with international standards. He added: the ambassadors also visited the airport fence to ensure that all The Lebanese minister said about the false claims published by the Telegraph newspaper: The Telegraph newspaper’s report is aimed at damaging the reputation of Beirut airport and we are against this newspaper. We take legal and judicial action; Because the aforementioned newspaper has targeted not only Beirut airport, but the whole of Lebanon.

The Minister of Transport and the Government of the Advancement of Lebanese Affairs further pointed to the continuous aggression of the Zionists against this country and emphasized: Israel is the enemy. It constantly violates Lebanon’s airspace, and its planes also fly over Beirut International Airport, and these violations continue.

He added: All Lebanese government facilities, including airports and ports, are open for diplomats to visit. Is. The Israeli enemy violates Lebanon’s airspace a thousand times a year, especially over Beirut airport, and has now resorted to psychological warfare. I have filed a complaint against the Telegraph newspaper.

On the other hand, Walid Nassar, Minister of Tourism in the interim government of Lebanon, said about the psychological war that the occupying regime and its supporters are trying to launch against Lebanon: in 2023 The arrival of tourists in occupied Palestine exceeded one million and five hundred thousand people, but the current war caused Israel to lose this number of tourists, and therefore launched a psychological war against Lebanon and targeted the Beirut airport in this psychological war.

Lebanon Information Minister “Ziyad Al-Makari” announced in this context that the Beirut International Airport is not affected by the false claims made by the English newspaper The Telegraph.

div class=”markup-container readmore-container”>Canada’s readiness to evacuate its citizens from Lebanon

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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