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The hunger of the devil that devours the children of Gaza+film

Hunger in Gaza kills people like a silent bomb; Children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly are more at risk of death. Hunger is as aggressive and deadly as a bomb.

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According to According to Shahab news agency, hunger in Gaza kills people like a silent bomb. Children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly are more at risk of death than others. Hunger is as aggressive and deadly as a bomb.

Hunger in Gaza kills people like a silent bomb; Children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly are more at risk of death. Hunger is as aggressive and deadly as a bomb; with the difference that it has no sound and gradually kills people. The images that are transmitted from Gaza to the world are like scenes from a horror movie; Thin and pale people are walking the streets trying to find water and food. The reason for these people’s paleness and despondency is life under the shadow of death, constant lack of food, deprivation of sleep and constant suffering, loss. Currently, flour is equal to gold.

The rate of malnutrition among young children is also surprising. Bombing and directly killing people is barbaric, but this starvation and shortening of children’s lives is agonizing and vile. This will have a long-term impact physically, cognitively and morally on the future population of Gaza…everything indicates that this is deliberate and genocidal.

The Zionist regime has a promising vision to control all the Palestinian lands today. They don’t stop. They believe in ethnic cleansing or worse, in whatever it takes, and again, it is America that is their only support, and it is the confused president of America and others who do not stop this killing and starvation. /p>

The Zionist regime “doesn’t just target civilians, but also tries to ruin the future of the Palestinian people by harming Palestinian children.” Deaths from famine and starvation in Gaza are due to the restrictions that the Zionist regime has imposed on the entry and distribution of humanitarian aid. Action must be taken to prevent famine in Gaza. The recent UN warnings about this matter have not been heeded. This disaster is man-made and completely preventable. Famine, hunger and the resulting deaths in Gaza are due to the restrictions that the Zionist regime has created for the entry and distribution of humanitarian aid.

Mahmoud Bassal, the spokesman of the Gaza City Defense Organization, said in a statement: Targeting the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) is a message from the occupation regime. It means that the policy of starving people continues. The basic necessities of life are not provided in the Gaza Strip and the number of victims due to hunger is increasing. Due to the mixing of water with the sewage network, widespread diseases have spread in the north of the Gaza Strip.

On the other hand, the European-Mediterranean Human Rights Center also emphasized that the destructive policies of the occupiers at the same time as preventing them from entering food and humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip in line with Implementing the policy of starving the Palestinians and using it as a weapon of war.

The center added: Israeli army soldiers have moved in a planned way to destroy agricultural lands, chicken farms and livestock breeding centers.

According to the report of this human rights organization, within a week, Kamal Adwan Hospital in the north of the Gaza Strip reported the death of 4 children due to hunger and malnutrition. ; An issue that has increased the number of victims of hunger in the Gaza Strip to 40 people.


© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Mehr News Agency
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