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The request of international organizations for the release of “Rashad Al-Ghannoushi”

Political figures and international organizations asked the Tunisian authorities to immediately release Rashed Al-Ghannoushi, the leader of the Ennahda Islamist party, because he is the oldest political prisoner in the world.
– International News

Report Webangah News quoted Tasnim news agency international group, “Rashid al-Ghannoushi”, the leader of the Tunisian Ennahda Islamist party, has been in prison for more than a year on charges of “conspiracy against the security of the country” and “connection with terrorism”. Rejecting such accusations, Hizb-ul-Ennahda has announced that the arrest of Rashid al-Ghannoushi was made in line with the repressive policies of Tunisian President “Qais Said” against political opponents.

In its statement, referring to the arrival of Rashid Al Ghannoushi’s birthday on June 22, the union clarified: the leader of Hizb-ul-Ennahda turned 83 years old and he is now the oldest political prisoner in the world

The statement of the Union of Muslim Scholars states: Al-Ghannoushi’s arrest is a clear violation of human rights and justice, therefore, all relevant parties and the international community are requested take the necessary measures to release political prisoners in all countries of the world. He is thinking, reforming, multilateralism and the voice of freedom, and his continued arrest is a threat to the fundamentals of human rights.

According to Al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper, social activists honored Rashid Al-Anoushi on the sidelines of the 56th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva by setting up a photo exhibition.

Sarah Lee Watson, a member of the Organization for Democracy in the Arab World, said: Al-Ghannoushi spent many decades defending freedom and human rights in Tunisia, and I am grateful to him for his sacrifices.

Establishment of the international delegation to support “Rashid al-Ghannoushi”

Mohammed Emad Saber, the head of the “Freedom Councils” conference of Egypt, also stated: I declare my full solidarity with Rashid Al-Ghannoushi and demand his release and all I am political prisoners in Tunisia, Egypt and other countries of the world. Stating that Rashid al-Ghannoushi celebrated his 82nd birthday in prison, he said: hundreds of world personalities today want his release from prison, and this request is not because of Rashid al-Ghannoushi’s age, but because of his breadth of vision and political and humanitarian positions and his long struggle in It is the path to freedom. This kind of brilliant performance of Al-Ghannoushi shows that he does not belong in prison. Tunisia has also requested the release of Rashid Al-Ghannoushi and all political prisoners in a note on his personal page on Facebook.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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