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The anger of Iraqi political leaders over the statements of the candidate for the American embassy in Baghdad

The US government's insistence on changing its ambassador in Iraq in the few months left until the end of the Biden administration has set an uncertain path for the future prospects of Washington-Baghdad relations.
– International News

Report Webangah News quoted Tasnim news agency international group

, Tracy Jacobsen, the candidate for the US embassy in Iraq, appeared last week on behalf of US President Joe Biden to defend his career record at the hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“Jacobsen” in his harsh and baseless statements considered Iran as the cause of Iraq’s instability and introduced resistance groups as the main threat to Iraq’s security and stability.

In response to such statements, “Khalid Al Yaqoubi”, the security advisor to the Prime Minister of Iraq, Mohammad Shia al-Sudani, considered the statements of the candidate for the post of the American embassy in Baghdad to be a clear lack of understanding of the new and improving conditions of Iraq, and continued , called Jacobsen’s positions an obvious interference in Iraq’s internal affairs and an insult to his country’s neighbors. The Secretary General of “Asaib Ahl al-Haq” also issued a statement in response to “Jacobsen’s” words, which he considered an obvious interference in Iraq’s internal affairs.

What do we know about the candidate for the post of the American embassy in Iraq?


The end of the four-month deadline of the Iraqi resistance groups to the Biden administration

At the same time as these reactions, the Iraqi Resistance Coordination Council announced the end of the deadline for the withdrawal of American forces from their country. Last winter and before the Iraqi Prime Minister Sudani’s trip to Washington, the Iraqi resistance set a four-month deadline for the peaceful withdrawal of American forces.

Meanwhile, in the recent attack on one of the resistance centers located in Deir Ezzor, one of the members of “Kataib Seyyed Al Shahada” was martyred. Shortly after this aggression, there were attacks on the US base in Tanaf in Syria. Although no official statement regarding last night’s attack on “Tanf base” has been published by any of the Iraqi resistance groups, some news sources believe that this attack is a warning to Washington about the possibility of starting a new round of Iraqi resistance operations against American bases in the region. .


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On the other hand, at the same time as the media speculations about the possibility of a military confrontation between the Zionist regime and Hezbollah, the Iraqi resistance groups are ready to support Hezbollah. Allah Lebanon has announced in any possible confrontation with Israel. The attack on the Tanaf base also conveys the message that the Iraqi resistance is ready to operate on two fronts to raise the cost of direct or indirect American intervention.

Another approach among the political groups under the coordination framework is that the resistance groups extend the 4-month deadline once again. These parties believe that Iraq is in a stable situation that has been unprecedented in at least the last 30 years. As a result, this opportunity should be seized to facilitate the reconstruction of the country and the entry of foreign investors into Iraq. In addition, the current government of Iraq, unlike the previous figures, has maximum alignment with the positions of the Iraqi resistance groups, which can help stabilize the position of the resistance in Iraq.

It seems that the tendency of the Sudanese prime minister is also close to the second group. It is far from expected that the defense of “Tracy Jacobsen” will be rejected by the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as a result, “Jacobsen” should be considered as the main option considered by Washington to occupy the post of the American Embassy in Iraq in the near future.

In such a situation, Iraq has two scenarios and solutions:

Scenario I: The pressure of the resistance forces will make Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid reject the credentials of Jacobsen, which is a very unlikely scenario.

Scenario II: This scenario itself is divided into two parts: one solution is that if Sudanese wants to end his government easily and without conflict with other political forces and even obtained the support of the mentioned groups for the formation of the second government, he has announced the demand of the resistance groups for the withdrawal of the American forces to the American government and wants to determine the timing of the complete withdrawal of the American occupying forces; Otherwise, resistance attacks against American bases will become more intense.

The second solution is for the Iraqi government to give a guarantee to the leaders of resistance groups It monitors the movements of the Americans completely and informs them of the smallest details of their activities in Iraq so that as soon as they repeat the mistakes of the past, their resistance will be the target of their attacks.

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© Webangah News Hub has translated this news from the source of Tasnim News Agency
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